Silence and Avoidance

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"I was just thinking despite how much I missed your voice, if the situation was different I would kiss you right now to shut you up"

Teja's POV:

It's the first official day of shooting and I can't explain how scared I am. Last week we had a lot of meetings but thankfully Karan and I had to barely interact but I know that can't go on forever. I just don't want it to turn into a situation like the one in the bathroom where we start taunting each other and end up fighting. We may have a lot of unresolved issues but I don't want them to come up on set.

I can't believe I'm about to do this but I'm going to talk to Karan. Yes, me, the same person that ran away when I last saw him. Let's just call this growth on my end. I wait by the entrance for him and I finally see him walking towards the set. It's honestly pretty unfair how attractive he is. He has this air about him that he couldn't care less and almost walks past me until I call out his name to stop him.

"Karan." He stops and looks over his shoulder at me. He slightly tilts his head, takes off his sunglasses and says "Ms. Wayangankar. Didn't see you there. Did you need something?"

Oh, so he wants to play it like this. "Karan don't be like this. Can we just be normal"

"Give me a second to remember what you said last week. Oh ya 'let's be professionals' and 'we are nothing to each other' so based on that I'm trying to be a professional stranger. Isn't that what you wanted"

Why, why is he so frustrating. Okay, calm down Teja. You are mature, calm, professional. You don't want to hit your ex-something because you are a good, non-violent person. My internal pep talk is cut off by him turning around to leave.

I grab his hand and drag him to the side of the set that's pretty empty of people. I'm not even going to think about how I feel holding his hand again because I definitely don't feel my stomach doing flips. I don't feel my heart beat faster at how right this feels. Nope, nope I'm not allowed to feel anything.

"Oye Teja where are you taking me"

When I don't respond and keep walking he asks, "Just tell me: are we going to this corner so we can makeout or are you trying to kill me without witnesses. I just want to mentally prepare myself"

Finally, we're far enough from the cast and crew and I stop and drop his hand. I turn around to look at him and he leans up against the wall. "Karan have you ever thought of shutting up." He makes the motion of zipping his lips and raises his eyebrow for me to go ahead.

"Okay, so what I wanted to say is basically-"

He makes the motion of unzipping his lips. "Teja it doesn't feel like we're in a board meeting. Not professional enough. Let's try this again."

What a comedian. "So funny Karan. I promise I'm laughing internally. Now if you're done can I continue?"

He crosses his arms over this chest and motions with a head for me to continue.

"Like I was saying this project is something I know we both are really excited for but I don't want either of us to ruin this for the other. We should limit our interaction to just within the context of the show and we should stay away from each other. It's already awkward enough and I don't want our past to come up again and make it worse"

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