chapter 6: fun in the sun

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Amya remember the burning of her lungs as she laid on the bank of the Nile. She gasp at the pain as she forced herself onto her side. The sun was high and very bright it hurt her eyes. She was so tired and the pain was great that she fainted.

When Amya finally came around, it was smell of dirt that hit her first. Then the sound of someone talking. Slow she opened her eyes and looked around before she turned her head to the left. It took her a few seconds to realize that she was no longer on the rivers bank but was being stared at. Quickly she moved away until her back hit a wall, eyes widen in fear.

" its ok no need to be startled" the boy said with his hands up as if to calm a frightened animal.

"W...where am I" she carefully asked. It was strange the way the boy was dressed. He had a single rope necklace that laid against the hollow of his throat. He wore no shirt, only a kilt like cloth around his hips also tied with a rope to keep it in place.

The boy ran his dark hand through his dirty brown hair " we found you washed up on the shore. It was best that we hide you quickly before the garuds saw. "He said glancing over at the older women.

Thats when she noticed how alike the boy and women where. " are you mother and son?" She asked slowly

The woman gave a soft smile." Yes this is my son Ubaid." His mother said with a faint smile.

"Guards, why would there be guards"she asked them

"Because the Pharaoh wants us to build his pyramid" Ubaid said giving her a look as to question her.

It took a moment before she realized what he had just said. " guards, pharaohs, pyramids? Is this some kind of joke? " she thought. " where am i, where is" She asked.

" you in our home in the slums of Egypt. Did you hit your heard" he ask coming closer

Amya raise her hand in defense stopping him from going any further " what year is it? " she asked as things where not adding up

Ubaid scratch his head as he looked at her " its the first reign of our Pharaoh Memphis " he said. " I know you are not from here but how do you not know? "He asked her.

Amya felt her mouth opened and close like a fish out of water. " then that means.... this would be 3100 bc, king Memphis as taken the throne after his father Menes passed on. it can't be, it possible can not be" she quickly looking around for any hidden cameras. But there was nothing except a small bad made out of straw and a small fire pit in the middle of the dirt floor. She slowly got to her feet " can you show me where I was found" she asked remembering her bag.

Ubaid looked at his mother before turning his attention back to her. " we can after work. You will  go with mother, she will protect you from the garuds. But you need to hide your pale skin and hair." He said.

Amya felt her brow go up " and how are you going to do that?" She asked.

Ubaid tossed her a dirt stained linen robe like the one Chloe had. "A kalasiris?" She said slipping it on over her clothes. She was surprised at how easy it rolled off her tongue. In fact she understood everything that was being said. But she knew that there was no possible way that Ubaid and his mother spoke a lick of English.

Ubaid cleared his throat snapping her out of thought. " arms" he said spread mud over her pale skin. Amya was surprised but not alarmed. " it will protect your skin from the sun and make you blend in." He said before putting mud on her face. She flinch at being touched.

After she was hidden behind mud and rags, she was handed a heavy ceramic jug. Amya found it to be heavier then it looked " do not drop " ubaid mother warned and pulled her out of the small hut.

The bright sun hurt her eyes as she followed Ubaid's mother closely throught the crowd of people pulling stones. " Faster!" A voice shouted out. Looking up Amya noticed the man with the whip standing atop a stone piller. The sound of his whip echoed throughout.

"Keep your eyes down" Ubaid's mother said pulling Amya long.
When one of the slaves need water they where there and so on.

It wasn't long before Amya started to sweat, it was then that she noticed that the mud was cracked from the heat of the sun. Quickly hind her hand and keep behind Ubaid's mother.

There was the sound of a load horn going off. "Pharaoh Memphis is here " Ubaid's mother whisper to her. " when he approaches you must keep your head down. No matter what" she said nervously.

Amya didn't understand but nodded her head and did what Ubaid's mother did. All the slaves stopped what they where doing and got on their knees as did she. It wasn't long before the pharaoh showed. Although Amya known she shouldn't look at him, she felt a stronger force pull at her to look up. Amya bit the bottom of her lip as she glanced up at the young pharaoh. It was only a quick glance that her eyes meet his, before she quickly looked away.

It all happen fast, she did not know what the Pharaoh had said. But she soon found herself between two of his guards had take by both arms and dragged off. " no one said I was going to get hurt by looking!!!!" She though as they dragged her away.

It felt like ages until the garuds tossed her on the stone floor. She let out a yelp and shot them a dirty look. Rubbing her arm she looked around, and it was clearly she was no longer in the slums but in the entrance of the palace.

A moment later she had been greeted by a pair of olive color feet that wore sandals out of "gold?" She thought letting her eyes travel up. He wore a rich color wrap of greens and red around his waist and no shirt. His eyes was outlined with green, and his eyes where black with a cold stair that matched his dark hair. Amya felt her mouth go dry the moment she meet his eyes.


Hey everyone

Sorry about this chapter I had no ideal that it somehow cut its self short
Anyways please enjoy

Don't forget to comment,share and vote it helps me out alot

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