chapter 12: lover's lane

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There was two options for her to take. One: play along as the golden wine server or two: escape and find that spirit. Amya thought over those two options as the maids pretty her up.

She couldn't wait to see the smug look and Nefertiti's face as she grabbed the wine jug. With each step she took was  a little chime from the bell anklet on her. Her hands had similar bracelets with the tiny bells all over. She gave her hand a little shake, as the bells went off.

The hall was lined with mats, tables, servents and gusts. Amya was a bit taken back at the sight of this party. Gifts where placed all round the king, she watched as everyone greeted the him. Amya stood in the back with the other servents as Nefertiti showed up. She was wearing a long black dress with slits down the front of it, showing off her long legs. There was a silver snake bangles wrap around her upper arm that made Amya's brow go up. Far away she looked so stunning, so girly, who wouldn't hurt a thing. But Amya knew better then that. As Nefertiti made her way towards the king, she was greeted with open arms. Amya felt a pain, as she watch the two hug. Nefertiti raised her hands to Memphis's face, and with a quick jerk she pulled him into a deep passionate kiss.

Amya felt her jaw drop as she watch the two kiss as lovers. It felt like someone had slap her, yet she couldn't turn away, as her eyes locked with Memphis's. She had known that royalties married with in, but to see it was.....well gross.

Casting her eyes down, Amya slowly backed up she had enough, she could only be made a fool for so long. She couldn't be here anymore "don't " she heard someone call out. She didn't want to hear Memphis call out to her, not after that!

" don't take another step servent " his voice boomed out.

Amya flinched and slowly looked up, as Memphis push his sister aside. She watched him walk towards her. Did he want her to watch that? " I have to get away "she thought holding her arms close

"Nile" a silky voice whispered around her. Amya felt that she should heed this advice. Before Memphis came any closer, she turned on her heels and ran as fast as she could following the spirit directions.

" guards after her "she heard Memphis shout chasing after her.

Amya followed the voice as she ran, until she was outside on a balcony that over looked the city and the Nile. Rain had started to fall heavily. Peeking over the side, she saw the Nile had raised. It was at the base of the city. "A flood? "She muttered.

" not another step!" Memphis yelled out, matching up to her. He grabbed her hard on the shoulders, and gave her a shook " how many times must I say it! You are mine. My servent, my toy you belong to me" he said angrily.

Amya tried to pushed him away " I not yours" she shouted back.

Memphis squeezed her cheeks with his hand "silence, I am your king! " he growled.

Amya opened her mouth to yell  "no your no-t" was all she could get out before Memphis's warm lip smashed against hers.

Amya froze as she registered what just happened, "oh no, this is not happening!!" She thought shutting her eyes tight. Balling up her fist, she started to hit them against his chest. But it was useless, as he pulled her tightly into his chest.

After a moment Memphis pulled back from his kiss, to look into her eyes. Gently he push some wet hair out of her face before he took notice of how red she had become "How could you!" She yelled with tears in her eyes, and raised her hand slapping him as hard as she could.

For a moment Memphis was stunned. " slapped me"

Amya felt her anger build up more in the rain, " not only that, but you have the nerve to take my kiss after you're love session with your Sister!" She shouted feeling the sting pain of her hand. How could he, how could he so easily just take her lips.

Memphis held his cheek as he looked at her with cold eyes. Amya felt a lump in her thoat as she backed up towards the edge of the balcony. Her frist kiss was taken by the likes of this man. Amya bit her lip as her emotions took control, her eyes started to water and her lip tremble. As soon as Memphis laid his hand on her, she lost it.

Amya pushed him away as hard as she could, but he didn't budge. Instead she found herself losing balance. Quickly she threw out her hand, but it was too late, as Memphis tried her grab hers. Amya could see the horror on Memphis's face as he watched her fall. " walcome back daughter " the silky voice purred, just before she hit the Nile hard.

Once again the Nile wrap her in its dark embrace, as her eyelids became to heavy to open.


Hi everyone

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!! I know it's been like an eternity, sense I have updated, but I'm here to make it up to you ;p

So let's talk about the most important topic today!!!

Lady Nefertiti has the hottest for king Memphis!! Now let's be honest we all saw that one coming! tehe. But did you see that kiss coming?!

Fun fact of the day! I have another  cat named Memphis! And like all cats him and Nefertiti are asses but there cute butts :3

Please don't hesitate to comment, share and vote♡

Also feedback is very important! It let's me know where I need to improve, to be a better writer or storyteller :)

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