chapter 15: Memphis

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King Memphis POV:

He reach his hand out to grab the girl, but he was too late. The look on her beautiful pale face, her frighten expression with a hint of sadness in her blue eyes hunted him. Every time he closed his eyes he would see her face and replay the event over and over. Cursing himself for being a fool, for not holding on tighter to his Golden jewel.

Memphis clenched his fists tightly at his side. After that night he had his guards search everywhere for her, yet for a month nothing, no sign of her or her body. He had heard what the people where whispering

" the daughter has returned to the Realm, back to Anuket and Isis "

It couldn't be true if so he was a fool, he know when he saw her glowing golden hair, that she was not from here. Everything about her intrigued him, even more after the snake incident. He hated to admit it, but after he woke up he was captivated by her sleeping.

" ah Rah what am I to do " he sighed crossing his arms over his broad chest and pacing around in his room.

" oh dear brother sighing is beneath you " his sisters voice called out

Memphis didn't bother to look at her, not even when she stop him and wrap her arms around him.

Nefertiti his sister ( well half-sister ) pout as she hugged him closely. She was always like this since childhood, cling to him. Her touch irritated him to the point he brushed her off.

" oh brother what has you in a foul mood? " she asked look up at him with her sad dark eyes.

Memphis watched his sister with cold eyes, true she was beautiful. Long black hair and eyes, dark olive skin, her weird two earing on one ear. Yet it was all nothing compared to Amya. Who was small framed with curves, her soft pale skined with bright blue eyes. Her golden long hair, that felt of the finest silks. Her knowledge about things, even the way she talked.

He hated the idea of sending her to the pitts, but it couldn't be helps someone had let that snake loses. He was angry and took it out on her regrettably. But after he got reports of how well she was doing and how she helped better the pitts. He needed her back in his sights.

He was not a gentle king nor did he know how to be one. Amya made him feel all powerful and yet at the same time shameful. She was his and only his, he was king what he wanted he got. Yet no matter how much he try to make her obey, she would not. It was frustrating for him. He wanted to lock her up but he couldn't, he hated it, hated the way others look at her with lust. But he was the same.

" foul mood or not, get out " he said

Nefertiti made a sound in surprise " oh brother don't be angry,...i....I apologize " she said and fled.

Memphis let out other long sigh before leaving his chambers as well. He had a meeting with his royal advisers.


Hello everyone

Sorry for the long wait! a lot has been going on 😣 but hopefully soon things will get better.

So just to make things clear my inspiration for this story was from ouke no monshou. I try to somewhat follow that flow but also not to follow it. Anywho just wanted to clear it up,

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