chapter 18: sand in the wind

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Amya found herself chained to a pillar of wood. Frustrated she tried to find a way out. Her hands where bond above her head holding her up. Her feet ache, her hands hurt and she was dying of thrist.

The room was dark and stale, only a few rays of light found their way into the room. This room was older then the cell she escaped from. Amya pulled her hands down with all her might, yet it didn't budge, didn't move. Slowly she began to fear that she would be stuck here.

Amya felt tense as the door opened up. Her eyes widen at the sudden brightness of the light. There was a figure walking towards her it was the man from early, he was now dressed in royal grab. She knew who he was right away " Rameses " future king and husband of Nefertiti's.

Amya had a weird sense of happiness and fear as she looked upon him. His face twisted at the sight of her. " tell me who sent you " he hissed.

Amya looked at him confused " no one sent me " she answer

" don't lie " he yelled angrily

Amya flinched as he yelled, she kept her head down as the sound of something feel to the floor. Slowly she glanced up to horror was a whip in his hands. Tears threatened to fall, her mouth started to tremble "I would not dare lie to you young prince " she managed to say.

" sweet words will get you nowhere "he said. He said something to the guards behind him. Soon they were at her side turning her back towards the young prince. They careful moved her golden hair out of the way, they removed her shirt and bra, leaving her necked and exposed.

The guards had a worried look on their faces after touching her. " were sorry " they seemed to say. After they were done, they walked back towards the door and waited.

Rameses let the whip drag on the dirt floor " I'll say this once again, tell me who sent you and you may live " he said taking the whip in his hands.

Amya knew there was no way out, no matter what answer she said. The look on the guards faces told her all, even if she told him something she would still get whipped. Amya grabbed the chains in her hands and braced herself, she'd be Damn if she let him feel satisfied. "I would not dare lie to you young prince " she hissed.

Soon the stinging bite of the whip hit her hard in the back. Amya bite hard on her lip to hold back her cries. The pain was unreal, worst then any broken bones. She wanted to scream, with a deep breath, she laughed " is that the best you've got prince " she said through the pain. Again the pain of the whip hit her upper back, and again she held back her cries. It went on for a long while, she lost count of how many times she had been hit. Amya smelt the metallic of her blood, the unpleasant feeling of blood going down her back. Her vision was going in and out from the pain.

She could hear Rameses breathing heavily behind her. " that will be all for today " he said Frustrated and turning on his heels to leaving.Once she could no longer hear anything, Amya let go and cried.

That night Amya was still chained up, she nodded off while standing but always awoke a few minutes after. The chilled air felt good against her hot back. She could only imagine the damage down. Her eyes stung as she tried not to cry again. " I have to escape " she thought to herself.

" but where will you go?"

" anywhere but here " she answer pulling on the changes. Her wrists where red and raw from her pulling.

Amya had no way of escaping, she wiggled her arms but stopped at the pain on her back from moving " oh! " she yelp " damn that stupid prince, Damn that Damn whip " she yelled making a ruckus.

It wasn't soon when the same guards yell at her to be quite. " or what! " she yelled back. They ignored her.

The heat was unbearable, Amya winced at the sweat going down her back, it burned. " hey! " she yelled. There was no answer from the guards. " I know you can hear me! " she yelled again

" keep it down " one finally called out from behind the door.

" look if no one does anything for these wounds, I'm going to get very sick " she called out " infection will set in, fever will happen all that fun stuff " she yelled out

" alright just shut it " a garud called out.

Amya found herself faced with the young prince and a physician. " oh came to look at you're handy work " she hissed.

Rameses shot her a cold look, before having the doctor take a look. Once he got a look at her hair his eyes widen in surprise " oh Ra have mercy " he cried and fell to the floor in a bow.

Amya was in surprise along with Rameses " what are you doing get up " Rameses yelled

The physician slowly got up and quickly went to work on her back. " how could you do this? " the physician cried

Rameses glared at the old physician " what are you talking about, this woman is a criminal " he said through his teeth.

The physician shook his head at the young prince " no this woman is the daughter " he said putting cream on her back

Amya yelp out in surprise and the burning sensation of the cream. The old physician fingers were rough but he tried to be careful as he spread it around her back. " daughter? " Rameses said

" daughter of the Nile " he breathed out

Amya sighed " please don't call me that " Amya was really starting to hate being called that.

The physician seemed to beam just from her talking to him " then what should you be called, goddess " he asked

Amya shook her head " I'm no goddess either, my name is amya " she winced.

Rameses look her up and down before glancing at the physician " what so important about " he waved his hand towards her " this " he said

The physician tremble with anger " young prince, the daughter of the Nile, is the daughter of anuket. The story goes, Anuket found a baby by her Nile. Taking pity she took the child in, blessed with hair of flowing gold, skin as pale as ivory " he said to the young prince. " I only though of legends. Once the daughter is back, it is said that there will be great changes "

Amya frowned her brows as she heard him. She glanced at Rameses face, he seemed to be in thought. He meet her eyes before taking his leave. " what else does your legends tell? " she asked feeling a horrible knot in her chest.

" many will parish, in the wake of the daughters grief. Rain will come for many nights and clean us a new " he said

Amya chuckled " now that's only a legend "

"Or is it my dear. Fate will be in your hands " Anuket silky voice whispered out softly


Hi everyone

As always I do hope you enjoyed this chapter. I love hearing from you guys as well!

How do you guys like Rameses!!

I love the fact that Amya has matured as a character. She starts off as a bit of a crybaby, but after everything has happened she is able to become a little stronger. What do you guys think?

Oh and also this story is pure fantasy!!!

I hope you guys like the DN, theres more to come 😄

Please don't hesitate to comment, share and vote ♡

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