chapter 11: hide or seek

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Amya couldn't shake away from that dream or that voice. She had a feeling that it was the same voice that called out from the depths of the Nile. Rather if she was a human, was a different story. Why had it kept calling her a daughter of the Nile? Why had she been taken?

It had been almost two weeks in the pitt. Amya's pasty white skin was now aglow with color. Somehow it made her the center of attention, not that she was going to complain. But she did something about the nasty water no way was she going to keep drink that disgusting stuff, she uses sand, pebbles and charcoal to somewhat act as a natural filter for the water. After it went through that she made sure to boiled it to kill off any left over bacteria. Amya had learned that from her mother, it made her miss the warmth of her mother loving hugs. If only they saw her now, what would her family say. Amya eyes started to sting as tears threaten to fall, she buried her face in her knees. She would be damned if anyone saw her cry.

Whipping her tear stand face, she got up to work. It was bearable today with the wind blowing, she moved stone after stone. Amya winced at the pain as she moved the stone and noticed the blood on the stone. "Huh?" She looked at her hand. "Perfect " she muttered examining the cut across her dry palm it was deep. Amya licked the blood from her hand, it was better than nothing.

" use this to bandage it " a voice called out holding a rag. Amya quickly wrapped her hand up and thanked her fellow pitt worker. She thought his name was jaji or something like that.

Every once in awhile she found herself thinking of Memphis. She laughed at herself for worrying about him. She should have just saved him and left "why didn't I? " she thought. She could have found a way home by now. " what if you couldn't then what?" Another voice in the deeps of her mind hissed out. Amya shook her head "no" she growled. The sound of Nefertiti's laugh made her stop. Why had she been so evil to her, Amya didn't do anything to harm the future queen yet she acted like Amya had taken her doll and ripped it up in front of her eyes.

That night she waited for everyone to fall asleep, the gaurds would be replacing the tried ones soon. She would have about tem minutes to slip away unseen if she played her cards right. " where will you go? " a voice whispered out of the darkness. Amya flinched, she would never be able to get use to the voices and spirits ( if they are spirits). But it was right as much as she hated it, she had nowhere to go and no clue on how she could go back. Would she die in the desert? Lost and alone.

Amya fell back on her little straw mat and laid there looking up at the night sky, she has been here for nearly a month and a half. Who cares where she escaped to, it wasn't like anyone was looking for her. Rolling on her right side, she watch the small fire dance and flicker. She was truly alone here, no home to go back too, no family just her and an empty sadness along with it.

She was not going to listen to any reason the spirit gave her, she was going to escape this place. Amya followed after Jaji as he let her use his shadow to escape the suns ray. " be careful its going to get hotter soon " he said roughly sweating himself from the harsh rays.

Amya watched him carry a stone twice as big as her little on. " what makes you thing that?" She asked looking up at him with her eyes squinted.

Jaji let out a loud Ha it made her jump " the sun will tell you " he said. Amya wasn't sure how to take his rudeness, he was always rude or just blunt.

Rolling her eyes at him " the sun does not speak to me, so how " she huffed at his silly answer. Before he could tell her, there was a screech that could only belong to a falcon. Amya froze in her tracks, there had not been any birds that dared to come here. So why was there one now? Amya looked around cautiously to find a figure standing above to pitt. She watched as the person made its way down, to her surprise it was a brooding Memphis. Amya turned and walked away she be damned to go near the likes of him.

The guard smacked his whip on the ground "where do you think your going slave" he called out.

Amya let her tongue click in annoyance before turning towards him with big eyes " i...I'm so thirst I might pass out, please forgive me I just want to do a good job for you" she said in her sweetish voice and batted her lashes.

The guard seemed taken back as he watched her, slowly he reached his hand out to touch her. Only to have it painful grabbed by Memphis. She watched  him shove the guards hand back before reach his own hand out for her. Amya quickly pulled away, she wasn't going to let him touch her so easily. She watched him clenched his fists, before going after her. Amya ran around a big rock slab that was as high as her shoulder. " for the love of Ra "he hissed chasing after her.

Finally he grew tired and jump on top of the slab and cut Amya off. Before she had time to react Memphis arm's where already around her waist. "Let go" she hissed out hitting her hands against his strong chest.

" I don't think so "he said taking her face with his free hand.

Amya felt her face heat up as his face was only inches away. " dont touch me!!! Your the one who threw me here" she yelled kicking him

Memphis didn't let her attacks bother him as he looked into her eyes " yes, I don't like my things taken " he said with a spark of enjoyment lingering in his eyes

Amya was speechless for a moment before she felt her fist tremble in anger " I am no one's thing, toy, slave, or property!!! " she growled only to have herself thrown over his shoulder. "I hate you!!!" She screamed

Amya was forced to ride with Memphis back to the palace. She had to have her hands tied, in hopes to keep her from slapped the pharaohs face again, He deserved it.

The sun was setting making it chilly as they road, Amya couldn't help but shiver. Without a word Memphis pulled her closer and tucked his cloak around both of them. Amya felt her heart almost jump away, how could she allow herself to feel anything towards her capter. She frowned her brow in disapproval but stay like that for an hour as they made their way back.

She was pulled from the horse and dragged back inside the palace. It took her a moment to relize where he was going, the bathhouse. Amya hardly had time to cry out as Memphis tossed her in the hot water. Breaking the surface of the water , she gasped  horrified "what's matter with you! !" she yelled out. Amya lifted her arm and pulled at the wet cloth.

Memphis snapped his slender fingers " get her cleaned up " he order the maids. Memphis took one last look at her before he turned and left.

The head maid looked Amya over " you as dirty as the first time " she chuckled and helped Amya out of her we're dirty clothes. The maids scrubbed her down and washed her from head to toe.

Once again they dressed her up in fine silks. They left her hair free as they worked on her makeup. Amya was confused at what the maids where doing, and why.


Hi everyone!!

Sorry this chapter took forever to get out hahahaha...

Anyhow thank you for reading my story!

Who is the most likeable character to you?!

Which character do you disagree with?!?

~ fun fact of the day!!! ~

My cat is named after Nefertiti!!

Don't forget to comment, share and Vote!!!

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