chapter 8: eyes of the unknown

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It had been several days sense then. Amya was mostly kept to pour Memphis wine this time she was chained to him. She hated it, hated him, started to hate this wonderful place. But she found ways to keep busy, she helped the maids with clothes, and accompanied many of them on shopping trips of course with a guard that followed her everywhere.

Amya kept her mouth shut most of the time. Even with Memphis would tant her. She didn't know if what she says would have an effect. Amya always walked throughout the courtyard to keep busy. But today was different, Amya kept look over her shoulder. She got the feeling someone was watching her. It was different from the garud's stare, this one felt cold and dangerous. "Be careful child" a voice whispered out behind her.

Amya covered her left ear and quickly turned around expecting someone to be there, but there was no one. " what?! H..hello" she called out, but there was no one. She scratched her head as she went on with her walk. Amya could still feel the cold stare from someone. Again she stopped and looked around, where was it coming for she couldn't find anything. With a sigh she glanced up to see a black ball swop at her from the sky.

Amya let out a yell as she quickly ducked down " what was that!!?" She said looking up to see it was a falcon. Once again it dove at her. Quickly moving out of the way, she watched the bird land next to her. The falcon titled its head at her, hoping closer towards her. Amya froze in place as the bird closer almost touching her, Its eyes where so familiar like she seen them before one was a rich brown like a cup of coffee while the other one was green like a polished emerald. Amya let out a gasp " you, I've meet you before but how?!" She said knowing she must seem crazy talking to a bird. The bird watched her before climbing onto her knee and peak at her hair.

She let out a nervous laugh that scared the bird away from her. " of course, so dumb" she chuckle holding onto the braid.

Amya stood up and brushed the dirt off. As she started to walk a few feet away before the falcon let out a horrible screech. She stopped at the noise and turned towards the bird "well get up here" she said patting her shoulder gentle. Amya knew that she should fear this bird but it was not the case, she felt like this falcon would not harm her. The bird flapped up and landed in her shoulder, she winced when its talons touch her skin.

Walking up a set of stairs to the palace, she heard someone call out to her " servant " a voice rung out. Amya know who it was without looked up to see. It was the Pharaoh with his arms crossed his chest.

Amya let out a small sigh. " yes pharaoh " she said.

Memphis perced his lips in thought, as he went to open his mouth, the falcon let out an anger screech in Amya's ear " what was that for!" She asked rubbing at her ear.

Memphis seemed startled by the bird. " what are you doing with General Impa's falcon?" He asked shocked at the sight of her

Amya title her head " General Impa?" She asked and gave the bird a petting

Memphis eyed her for a moment "he should be back. Follow me " he said walking away.Amya glanced at the bird and then hurried after him.

Amya had never seen a ship as big as the one in the harbor. The roman flag rippled in the wind, the Nile gentle rocking the ship back and forth. It was a scene her father would kill to see.

" and who is this lady with you my Pharaohs?" A husky voice called out.

Amya looked over her shoulder and was surprised at the man standing there. He was tan from being in the sun for years and tall, muscular with salt an pepper hair. She turned and watched the man cross his arms over his chest. Amya bow her head " my name is Amya, General " she said.

Impa raised a brow at the mention of her name. " Amya, Amaya, so you are the Night's Rain " he said mostly to himself.

Amya was impressed, the only one who knew that was her father. He had given her that name. It wasn't a moment later that the General had the same startled expression that Memphis had.

" by the eye of Ra" he gasped. " how is he not attacking you? "He asked.

Amya felt confused " is he supposed to?" She answered back most confused. The bird had somewhat attack her but she had a feeling to was attached to her hair like so many where. It seemed to be a common thing here.

Impa shook his grey head " that bird hardly listen, and likes to attack anything that moves " he said watching her with his wise brown eyes. " who are you?" He muttered to himself.

Amya felt a chill again as she remembered what her father had told her. "Um..... what brings you back from your travels?" She said before she could stop herself. Amya quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

Memphis looked at her in a way she never thought was possible. As if he found her captivating. "Yes what news do you bring " he said with his eyes still on her.

General Impa was silent as he thought, it seemed like an eternity to Amya. " it seems like the bronze is almost gone" he sighed.

Amya felt Memphis go tense next to her. Before she could stop herself" have you thought about steel? Though the Ka family would know more about where to mine" she covered her mouth in a fright. The words just spilled out. " no I can't mess with history "she wanted to cry.

Amya jumped as a pair of hand hit her shoulder. "That an excellent opportunity. Why didn't we think of that sooner" General Impa laughed before his falcon bit at his hands causing him to quickly pull them away. " Damn bird!" He cursed.

Amya winced as the falcon dug its sharp talons into her skin. With a final screech the bird took off into the blue sky. Amya rubbed her shoulder as she followed the two men back towards the palace.

The night was once again filled with laughter and song. It was a welcoming party for General Impa and it was far grand.

Amya stood off to the side, it felt uncomfortable being gawk at. Especially the look from pharaohs Memphis, prime minister Angkor, she heard he had a thing for gold. Not only his stare but the burning rage of Nefertiti who sat across from the Pharaoh." Haha keep him" she thought wanting nothing but to leave. Nefertiti had with her two maids with shifty little eyes, that were up to no good. Amya couldn't place her finger on it, but she had a terrible feeling something about to happen.

Memphis snapped his finger for more wine, and she poured it. She went to walk away but was pulled back "no you stay there" he said making sure she didnt move before going back to drink. It seemed like aged as she stood there, she wanted to sleep not pour more wine! There was a scream behind her which made her jump and drop her jug. The smell of the wine filled the room, Amya was about to bend down and pick up the smash jug before she was stopped. There she saw it a large black serpent less than a foot away curled up tight ready to strike at any moment.


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Just to remind you this is Fantasy. Some of the story will follow historical events and etc.

Now that we have 1/3 of the characters meet who is your favorite; who is your lease like character?

Im dying to know!!!!

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