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I woke up on a regular Tuesday morning, and put another number in my notebook. 979th day of the apocalypse, and counting. I got some clothes on, and walked out of my tent into the light of the sun. I was almost instantly greeted by my best friend, Minigunner. "Yo, morning, man!" He said. "Good morning to you too." As we walked to the central part of the camp, we kept talking. Me and him had been best friends since childhood, so we were very familiar with eachother. "Yeah, I heard that Freezer is-... Hey, did you just hear something coming from those bushes over there?" He pointed to some bushes near the outskirts of camp. "Yeah.." "Hmm..." Minigunner walked over to the bushes and spread the branches out. "Scout?! What the hell are you doing in these bushes?" "Hm, I dunno." Scout shrugged. "Listening for some camp gossip, maybe.." He half-whispered, half-thought. "Meh, whatever." Minigunner said. "We gotta get to the meeting place, Commander said there was going to be a urgent meeting." "Oh yeah, crap! Forgot about that!" Scout sprang out of the bushes, with a few branches still in his hat. As he ran towards the meeting area, Minigunner said "Yeah, we gotta get there too." "Let's go, then! Race you there!""Ah! What!"


Whew thats chapter 1 done! Stay tuned, I might be able to do chapter 2 soon!

Where it all went wrong-Ranger and MinigunnerWhere stories live. Discover now