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Alright, I didn't know what to write, so... BACKSTORY TIME!! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this small explanation of (Well, my) Backstory for Ranger and Mini. -Port3l_150


Collin (Ranger) / Xavier (Mini)

Age:7 1/2                   Age:7



It was a sunny Thursday afternoon when Collin and me met. We were just small kids at the time and were still in our "I want friends" Phase. He was sitting by the playground drawing Penguins in a snowball fight when I saw him. I had been tossing a ball at a wall and catching it again when I got bored, and looked around the playground for someone to do something with. 

(POV switch- Xavier->Collin)

I had been bored too, I was a lot more of a Introvert at the time, but I was starting to break out of my shell and get more Extroverted as time went on. Then I met Xavier, a COMPLETE Extrovert if I've ever seen one. He was fun and outgoing, and had all the traits of an Extrovert, times 5. We became friends rather quickly, and he helped me become more of a Extrovert as time went on. I was still a little shy in certain periods of time, but I eventually worked through those problems. We were friends all the way through, and we still are.

(POV switch- Collin->Neutral)

Collin:"Oh, hi!.."

Xavier:"Hi! My name's Xavier! What's yours?

Collin:"Oh, my name's Collin."

Xavier:"Well, hi Collin, whatcha doing there?"

Collin:"Oh, just drawing."

Xavier:"Hey! I like Penguins too!"

Collin:"Oh, really?.. Hey, do you wanna be friends?"

Xavier:"Really? Of course!"

And thus, a new friendship was created.


Alright, that's some backstory done! The long weekend is almost over, so expect me to stop writing for a bit, but i'll still be able to write for the rest of the day today, and tommorow. Anyway, hope you're having a great day! -Port3l_150

Where it all went wrong-Ranger and MinigunnerWhere stories live. Discover now