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Hi! I'm back! Just a few things to say before I start:

1. I've made a few changes to my profile

2. I have a good idea of what my next book's gonna be!

3. Happy St. Patrick's!

4. Let's start!

From Vampiri4ka:

"Are there any towers who have.. Friendly relationships with monsters ? ( Sledger & Frost Spirit; Gladiator & Swordmaster; Toxicgunner & Lord Sinister and etc.?) Do towers fight with all titans/bosses at the time, or like they still didn't meet some of them?"

Gladiator knows Swordmaster personally, but they're basically frenemies, (very good ones) and is (sort of?) related to Swordmaster, and he goes into a trance-like state whenever somebody mentions him.

On the other hand, Frost Spirit rescued Sledger as a child, but was taken by the Towers at an early age, which means he has very little to no recollection of being with Frost Spirit, ever. He's only had one (somewhat) clear dream, and it went a little something like this:

I wake up in a small nest with a robed titan next to me.

He starts talking to me-

"Hey, wanna go collect some Iceberries?"

I nod.

He picks me up and puts me on his shoulder.

"Heh. I love you, [inaudible]."

We walk into a dense forest, trying to find a berry bush.

We eventually find one-

The crush of snow behind us.

He quickly takes me off of his icy shoulder. He seems alarmed.

"Stay behind me, do NOT come out."

He takes out a scythe.

Three shadowy figures appear in front of us.

They're much taller than me, but still not as tall as the robed titan.

Flash of black. It's as if I blinked.

Bullet holes in the robed titan's wings and legs. He's on his knees.

"Wha- What do you want from us?" He seems scared.

The main figures don't answer.

Another flash of black. 

I'm being dragged away.


Another flash.

I'm hitting a wooden combat dummy with a sledgehammer.

Another flash.

I see the robed titan again. We're in some sort of Outpost.

I'm much taller.

Icy tears are coming out of his eyes.

Another flash.

The robed titan is being dragged into a portal by many tentacles. His arm is extended as if to grab me.

And then I wake up in a cold sweat.

I look at the clock.

1:33 AM

I need to get more sleep.


Was that dream accurate to what actually happened?

Probably not!

Anyway, From mewn_e:

1) what inspired you (if anything) to write this book?

Great question!

I was bored one day, and I was like: "Damn, TDS is pretty boring rn"

"I wonder what the fanfic commmunity is up to"

I look up "tds fanfics"

I find Wattpad

Then I started reading stories!

Then, after a week or two of reading, I stood up and was like

*slams table* 

"I want to write one."

Fast-forward through many weeks, and jumping to many conclusions, and here we are. 

Also from mewn_e:

2) what is your favorite genre of music?

I actually like vibing to soundtracks more than actual pieces of music? Don't know if that's nerdy or not.

Some of my favorites include:

The TDS soundtrack

The Undertale OST

Deltarune OST

Undertale mod music

The Just Shapes And Beats soundtrack

And others!

Anyways, thats all the questions in this Q&A. I will do another Q&A soon, maybe at 100 votes or 1.5K reads. Anyway, that's all!

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