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(Mini's POV)

I screamed out in terror as I watched Fallen King's sword go right through Ranger's back. Then, it got worse. Fallen King had prepared some lightning earlier. He can freely move where it's going to strike. It was concentrated on me, but then.. Fallen King moved his hand slightly. The lightning? Went over to Ranger. 

My heart probably stopped when that goddamn bolt came down on him. I dropped my minigun. I had never liked heights, but that didn't matter now. Fallen King was incredibly weak now.

I just got up on to the building. Then Fallen King stomped. Everyone else stopped. 

Mortar wasn't on the roof anymore, he had fallen off trying to back away from Ranger. It was only me and Ranger's body on the roof.

"C'mon, man! Stay with me, buddy!"

I could understand why Ranger had Hemophobia now. He was lying in a pool of his own blood, and I didn't know what to do. 

Then I realized. Fallen King was getting too close to the base. I very slowly picked up Ranger's railgun. I never liked longblasters, but I was gonna give it my best shot. It was wobbly in my hands. I concentrated as best I could, and..

Time seemed to slow as I pulled the trigger

The railgun flew out of my hands as the recoil took over

A blue laser shot out of the railgun

Right through Fallen King's head

He fell on his knees

And started to dust

I turned to Ranger, who was still lying in that dreadful pool that was expanding.

The sound of a teleportation made me turn again.

Fallen Swordmaster. He grabbed the fading king by the arm

And they both teleported away.

I picked up Ranger, and slowly tried to make my way off the building.

                                                 [30 MINUTES LATER]

Back at camp. In Medic's tent. Waiting.

Where it all went wrong-Ranger and MinigunnerWhere stories live. Discover now