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Yes, this is a chapter, but it seemed kinda short to me, so don't be suprised if it DOES seem short. Anyway, that's your daily visit from your terrible writer. -Port3l_150


(Commander's POV)

Where WERE those two? Ranger and Minigunner are NEVER late to meetings, much less a important one like this! Every other tower under my command was in this room, waiting for them!

Com:"I swear, if they don't come in the next two minutes, Their asses are getting demoted!"

DJ:"Calm down, i'm sure they'll be here any moment now."

An interesting 25 seconds passed. 

Com:"Dammit, i'm going to go and look for them-"

Then, I heard something that sounded like Ranger's voice, and then a scream that sounded like Minigunner! I instantly got up and started running towards the middle of camp. Ranger was fighting off four Fallen zombies with a rusted pipe while trying to get closer to Minigunner, who was on the ground trying his best to outmanuver another two Fallens! I ran to the armory and grabbed Ranger's Railgun and tossed it to him. He caught it and took out the 4 Fallens attacking him. 

(POV switch- Commander->Ranger)

I took out one of the Fallens on Mini before Commander rushed in and blasted the last's head off. Purple blood oozed out of it's neck before I turned to Mini, trying to find any points of injury.


Minigunner:"oh yeah, i'm fine.. totally.."

He then fell unconscious.

(POV switch-Ranger->Scouting Fallen)

My friends were dead. Me and them didn't WANT to do this, but the word of our King is the law to us. I started to run back through the dense forest to warn our King that the Towers were planning to break our seige on their Forest Camp. I was extremely scared and my heart was racing, but it only got worse when one of the Towers said-"Hey, do you hear something coming from the forest?" I quickened my pace, and managed to escape.


Alright, hope you enjoyed this chapter! 4 is going to probably come out tomorrow, so stay tuned! -Port3l_150

Where it all went wrong-Ranger and MinigunnerWhere stories live. Discover now