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The Forest Camp slowly came into view. Everyone got out of the Humvees and slowly made their way to their stations. I got on a rooftop along with Mortar, Mini was on the ground with Gladiator, and then we waited. I was still tired from when I fell asleep on the Humvee, and it usually took about half an hour for something interesting to happen, so eventually I drifted off again.


"Why is it so cold here?"

"Why am i here?"

"Who are these people?"

"Who am i?"

Flash of light.

"What just happened?"

"Why do i feel so bad?"

"Is something bad going to happen soon?"

"Can anyone hear me?"


"Why can't i hear anything?"

People in front of you.


No sound.

"Is.. anyone..  even.. here?"


Mortar:"Ranger! Wake up! It's starting soon!"

I quickly snapped to attention.

Mortar:"Man, first on the Humvee, now on the literal grounds of battle? You need more sleep, man."

I yawned.


This is happening. We're about to fight Fallen King's army.

Anxiety rising.


yay im even more tired

why cant i follow a simple instruction

"don't burn yourself out"


see you in the next chapter

Where it all went wrong-Ranger and MinigunnerWhere stories live. Discover now