CHAPTER 2:The Pre-Meeting (POV:Minigunner)

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Holy crap we've reached #13 in #towerdefensesimulator! (and #5 in #towerdefensesim) I didn't expect this ranking so quickly! But thanks so much for the views, i'll try to write as much as I possibly can for you guys in the future chapters! -Port3l_150 


As me and Ranger raced through the camp, elsewhere, something else was racing. My mind. What was the meeting going to be about? New recruits? New possible places to find survivors and set up camp? Commander did say this was going to be a "Emergency Meeting" , so what could possibly be happening? Or.. Maybe even a strike on Fallen King's army! That would be extremely interesting! But I don't think that'll be happening. Those kinds of missions are extremely rare. I was still thinking as Ranger pulled ahead in getting to the meeting area. 

Ranger:"Ha, i'm passing you!"

Mini:"But not for long-" *WHAM!*

I had ran into a pole. Huh. That's weird. My nose felt funny. Some blood dripped onto my vest. Ah. A nosebleed. That makes sense. By then, Ranger had noticed that I was no longer running, and he turned around to see me.

Ranger:"OH GOD-"

Oh yeah, I forgot that he had Hemophobia. He has had it since we were kids, and the earliest memory of it that I have is one time when we were 8 when I cut myself and he physically backed away from me until I got a bandage on it.

Mini:"It's fine man, it's just a nosebleed."

Ranger:" You KNOW I don't like blood."

Mini:"Yeah, I know."

Mini:"Good thing I always keep some tissues on me-"

I grabbed out some tissues from my pocket and started to use them to stop the nosebleed. Ranger was walking FAR ahead to stay away from the sighting of my nosebleed though. And to be honest, can't really blame him.

I checked my watch, and then I realized something.


Ranger instantly snapped his head back, ran over to me, and checked my watch. He just looked at me. Commander did NOT like it when people were late to meetings. But this was a emergency meeting, so who KNOWS what would happen to me and Ranger.

Ranger:"May god have mercy on our souls- Did you just hear some hissing?"


Alright thats chapter 2 done! I hope you guys enjoyed it and i'll be trying to pump out as much writing as I can! -Port3l_150

Where it all went wrong-Ranger and MinigunnerWhere stories live. Discover now