CHAPTER 5: Before The Battle (POV:VARIES)

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pog chapter 5 -Port3l_150


(Ranger's POV)

We were in Medic's tent, and Mini was being treated. I was still anxious, the crystals were still spreading as Medic tried to find the correct antidote for this. 

Medic:"Found it."

She got out a syringe and put it in Mini's arm. I winced. I still didn't like needles, even if someone else was getting it. 

Medic:"That should stop it."

Ranger:"How long should it take for him to recover?"

Medic:"He'll probably wake up in about an hour and a half, but it'll take time before he's steady on his feet again."

Ranger:"So, realistically, two and a half hours."


These treatments always made it so that you basically couldn't move or think straight for about an hour, (I would know.) But hey, it stopped the infection. That's what matters.

Medic:"You need to get patched up too." She pointed to my shoulder.

I had a decently big cut on my shoulder, but it wasn't infected. It could just be stopped the traditional way.

After that was treated, Medic told me to go and see Commander, for info on the (no-longer happening) Meeting.

I walked through the camp, still limping a little from a bandaged-up wound on my foot, when I made it to the Meeting Area. Commander was there by himself, looking at a map of what looked like The Forest Camp. I walked up to him.

Commander:"Hello, Ranger." He said, not looking up from his map.

Ranger:"Oh- yeah, so what was the-"

I winced. That wound on my foot wasn't getting any better.

Ranger:"-Meeting going to be about?"

Commander sighed. 

Commander:"You know our Forest Camp, right?"

Ranger:"Yes, I do."

Com:"The Fallen King's army recently put it under seige and we need to free it from said seige."

That cured my suspicions. It WAS Fallen King.

Com:"We were going to free it today, but thanks to that ambush from those Fallens, we'll probably need to do it tomorrow."

Ranger:"Alright, I got it."

Com:"You should go and get some rest. You deserve it."


I started to walk out of there, but then I remembered something.

Ranger:"Hey, Commander?"


Ranger:"Once we took out all the Fallens, I thought I saw some black figure running through the forest, away from us."

Something seemed to click in Commander's head.

Com:"Oh shit, they had a scout."

Com:"They know now that we're coming to Forest Camp."

Com:"We need to get ready. Fast."

Com:"Buckle up for the next battle, this one's going to be a lot harder than usual."


Epic, Chapter 5 is done. I'll probably be able to do Chapter 6 tomorrow and maybe, if i'm lucky, Chapter 7 aswell. Anyway, thanks for the support, and i'll see you in the next chapter! -Port3l_150

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