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The creek of the floor boards grabbed Liam's attention in seconds. The war had ended a little over a week ago. Everyone was going off their own ways and Liam was preparing to go back to school.

"Theo. What are you doing here?"
Liam's eyes shared an equal amount of relief and worry. Theo hadn't talked to him for a while but he looked sad. And he smelt of guilt.
"I'm sorry Liam I know you want me here but I don't belong here. I have to leave."

Tears fret to fall from from the boys faces. They knew it would be hard without each other.
"No please. Please I can't I can't I-"
"Shh Liam please. Don't make it any harder than it is."
"Don't make it harder than it is. Your leaving randomly with no warning. And your saying it's hard for you? You have choice. Choose to stay."
"I can't I'm sorry this is your home not mine. But if you need me I'm only a message away."
Theo walked out the door tears falling from his face for the first proper time. He cried in hell but never here. Upon closing the door, Theo whispers the smallest and quietest thing he could ever say.
"I'm leaving because I love you. I love you so much."
And just on the other side of the door Liams knees became week and he broke down on the floor.
"I need you because I love you. I love you so much."

Theo made his way to his truck and started driving away and parked just outside the boarder of beacon hill before he started crying. It was in this moment he knew he cared about Liam unlike he ever had before. But he never would have thought of what he mean to the other and what they could do when paired together.

*end of flashback*

Theo drove the three boys back to school just in time for 3rd period. They signed in at the front desk before saying a fair well to Theo and heading to class.

For the first time in months Liam's day changed and he knew he wasn't going to sleep this lesson now. Just as he sat down in biology he remembered what Nolan said. About their eyes. Then it became clear. He noticed what he was missing in the memory. He saw his eyes glow purple. He needed help. He needed to find out what it means. But he promised Theo. Now he had no choice but to ask. To try and figure out what everything means.

T and li

Can I tell the guys what
Happened. I think it's crucial

I keep dreaming of the night at the hospital.
I saw something in the dream.
I think its important.
and I think we should ask for help.
but I'm asking you first I know we promised.
and I would never break it.


sure but make sure I'm there aswell.
I know this will be big for you aswell.
but if you think its important they know then.
I trust you.

Message sent. Then the bell rang signaling break. Liam sent a quick message to Theo telling to meet them next to the parking lot. He quickly gathered Nolan and Gabe then went on a search for Mason Corey and Alec. fortunately they weren't to hard to find. He had to practically drag mason to over where Theo was. Mason still wasn't overly fond of the older boy but Liam vowed to never give up in making them friends.

After everyone had got situated they waited for Liam to start talking. however he didn't know how to start. what was he meant to say. What wont be a completely awkward way to start a sentence.
"so at the end of the war. before Nolan came down. the hunters were aiming their guns at me and uhm" his voice wavered before continuing "Theo had pulled me into the elevator behind. I'm not going to lie it was awkward at first." he giggled slightly voice still coated in anxiety.
"uhm and. Theo are you sure because I know-" Theo cut him off from his rambling with a response.
"its not a massive deal for me. I'm almost and open book. I just didn't want stiles to know and he's not here so... I mean mason gives off the same energy but he wouldn't actually do anything."

"okay. in the elevator.. god why is this so difficult. Theo and I kissed. Don't say anything let me finish first. It was a one time thing. But after we went out. Attacked the hunters and in the reflection of a fan on the floor. I saw our eyes. Well mainly mine but I know Theos did aswell. They glowed purple. And I think that was the first time it happened. I'm only saying this now because I only just realised what it was. months worth of that memory playing each time i fell asleep and I could never point it out. until now. Nolan I think it has something to do with what you saw. the third person memory and the silhouette figure. Mason before you go batshit crazy at us. have you heard anything like this before? I know Deaton has but he says we need to figure it out on out own or tales without his support. the world depends on this. and I'm not over exaggerating."

after a few exchanged theory's in the group the bell went off again saying it was time for lacrosse practice. Theo decided to come and watch because he had nothing better to do. so sat on the side was Theo Alec and Mason while on the pitch was Liam Corey Nolan and Gabe. Practice went smoothly until the last fifteen minuets. Alec had gone to get catch up homework so mason and Theo sat together on the side. not the best idea but that's not what went wrong. coach had pelted a ball into the stands and straight towards mason and their Theo caught the ball right in-front of masons head with his hand.

"wow! do you, do you play? do you want to play for the team?" coach directed towards Theo.
"no I don't play. never had a thing for sports. I also don't got to school here anymore." the coach didn't seem effected by this news. to be honest he probably has known about the supernatural for years but what he didn't believe was Theo didn't have a thing for sports. or that he no longer went to school.

"then why are you here? not to be rude or anything." Theo already knew his answer. not a lie.
"I'm watching my friends practice got nothing better to do and don't go to college so. also no I'm not friends with a bunch of kids. I'm Scotts friend and so is Liam dragging everyone else in as my friend." By then coach had made his way over to the two on the bleachers and the curios four on the pitch followed.

Theo and Coach had a discussion about Theo joining the team. Apparently Theo was coming back to school anyway due to the fact he never graduated.
"Why didn't you graduate?" Nolan asked a question this time.
"Well when I was meant to graduate it was straight after the ghost riders came to beacon hills. So for one I never actually went to school in the first place after the age of 9. Only came back in senior year. Missing out on countless bits of education. So I taught myself in the dread doctors lab. Then for the mid of senior year after killing Scott and whatever I spent months in Hell. Before liam pulled me out to help fight the ghost riders. Then there was the hunters so I didn't think it was safe to start again then."

Nolan and Gabe looked shocked at everything that had just been said. Coach just looks happy he might get a good player on the team. Mason almost looked sad. Almost. And Corey looked guilty. He had been in Theo's pack yet he was never punished. And Liam looked heartbroken.

"Nolan. Nol? Where you going?" Gabe was the first to realise Nolan walking away.
"Let's follow him but don't wake him up." Liam had learnt previous it was dangerous to wake a banshee from their hypnosis. All they could do was keep him safe till he 'woke up'

They followed him off the pitch towards the library. That was never a good sign. Some people had a free study period so it wasn't busy but it wasn't empty either. Nolan kept walking. Towards the large window at the back. The one the beast had escaped through once before. Then he stopped. The blond boy slowly turned around facing everyone. None taking notice of the group.

Then it clicked in Theo's head. As it did Liams at the same time.
"COVER YOUR EARS!" They shouted in sync. Everyone in the library did so. They knew that when a supernatural said something it's because they knew something they didn't.

Nolan screamed. Then he passed out.

(1496 words)

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