a day to yourself

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"Here you go ma'am, is this all for today?"

(Y/n) nodded, thanking the man who treated her a filling lunch. The meal was a relatively plain one, with just white rice and grilled salmon in the taverns house made sauce. This also came with a side of fresh Kimchi and a small, salty soup. She preferred to be plain with her meals, for she preferred the natural flavors of life over any thing that had too much work in it.

Compared to other Hashira, this was a bit different. Kanroji Mitsuri, one of (Y/n)'s dear friends and partners, was very open when it came to food. She loved broad and eye opening flavors. On the other hand, (Y/n) was the opposite. Taking a bite of the meal, her face expressed pure bliss at the taste. She thought about her plans for the day as she ate.

Right after the sun had risen that morning, Jakah came back to her with a short message from Master Kagaya. This message offered that she could come back early and rest at the Butterfly Mansion for some time, but that was immediately denied by her.

Denying a request from Kagaya was an unusual thing from (Y/n), but her reasoning was understandable.

"He bought me that Kimono, I shall wear it tonight in a respectful manner. Please inform him I will be back at the Residence tomorrow evening. It's a pinky promise." She held the smallest of her fingers up, and Jakah jumped up on top of it. He remained in place for a moment, before falling off onto his side. (Y/n) giggled at the silly bird.

Jakah stood back up and cawed once more; she was surprised at his next remark. "Oh.? Kagaya wasn't the one who gave the Kimono to me? Do you happen to know whoever gave it to me, so I can return the favor?"

Another caw left his beak and before the blushing girl could speak again, he'd flown away with her message.

Her hand reached up to her lips as she smiled shortly. "So sweet of you, Sanemi.."

Either way, it did not matter anymore that Kagaya was not the one who bought it for her. She was still going to wear the dress all the same- maybe even with some different emotions inside. However, the gift now wasn't much of a surprise. She'd always recieved gifts as a Hashira: from fellow comrades, people she's rescued, family and friends, people she had saved, they all tended to pay her back in a way further than just a "thank you".

Regardless, above all was Sanemi. He was constantly giving her gifts while praising her like none other. She tried to shun herself from this attention, knowing that his intentions might have deeper meanings.

Sadly, (Y/n) never found herself falling in love. Yes, she falls in love platonically with many and many people, but it was hard for her to imagine life with a romantic partner. All of the close contact and exposion, it was simply unreal and unnatural to her. Despite being awed by everyone around her for her outstanding looks and undeniable power, she couldn't imagine being comfortable with a man looking at her as anything more than just another girl. That's why she always pushed Sanemi feelings to the side, seeing it as just a friendly action over anything deeper.

The food on her plate had disappeared by the time her endless thoughts had suppressed themself, and she quickly thanked the waiter and cook. Dropping a glorious tip off in the box, she made her way out of the building and into the city. One of her old comrades always taught her to tip big as soon as she became a Hashira, to show the people that you are always going to help them. That word of advice has helped her grow friendly with many businesses.

Today she planned on having a little bit more fun then before. Despite being a Hashira, she was still a girl. Spending money on worthless items, chatting with random strangers, she loved being social for once.

And so she did. Throughout the day she stopped at designer stores throughout the city and bought herself a few fine treasures. She made sweet conversation with random store owners and shoppers, wishing them happy days as she left. She bought gifts for all of the Butterfly Girls, and even for the three trainee boys that were under her lead; Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu.

Chats with the owners usually left to interesting questions about her life such as:

"How old are you.?"

"Your job?"
I work for my fathers business.

As a Hashira, lying about her job was typical. The usual public is actual not allowed to know about demons, and that includes all slayers as well. Either way, she preferred to allow people to live their lives without having life changing stress knowing that blood thirsty demons walked the earth, constantly growing in strength and numbers.

They needed to be protected from the truth, and (Y/n) was more than willing to do that. Protecting innocent civilians was her entire reason to breathe and move forward in her life. If given the opportunity to take all of the worlds suffering on her back, she'd do it without a second thought. She was positive all of the other Hashiras felt the same.

That's what she told a young flame-headed boy about a month ago, when he asked such a compelling question as that. His eyes glimmered against her words in some sort of representation. It was as if he saw something within her.

Perhaps a blaze in her heart that he had equally missed.

As the sun began to set, she changed into the lovely Kimono that was just as eager as her to be worn. From the windowsill, Jakah flew towards the hairpiece. Picking it up with his mouth, he carefully placed the delicate artifact into her (h/c) hair. It was magnificent.

Her beauty was unparalleled.

The crow cawed once more, receiving a delicate pat on his head with two of her fingers. Waving goodbye, she watched as he flew off, back in the direction to Kagaya. After he left, she started her journey out of the building.

Her sword, unsheathed and unhindered, stood perked against its stand in her hotel room. This is where her foolishness snatched the best of her.

Walking the streets of the bustling city, men and women danced against each other. The scent of alcohol was far from uncomment in the city.

Many had given her looks of thirst as she walked the street. A young, elegant woman, walking the streets jaded as ever. Her soft, (e/c) eyes, blended like a dream you'll remember with the night stars and colorful lights. Her lissome figure was like a visual kiss. Every man that passed her filled with unbearable lust that made their mouths water and fists clench.

She wondered, for a short moment, if Sanemi were here, what would he think of her? Would he be just as similar to these men in his attitude? No.. She could never even imagine him acting so childishly. At most, he would likely try and get the men to stop looking. After all, that exact scenario had already happened in the past, so it wouldn't be a surprise if he did it again.

"Kagaya Ubuyashiki is there."

The voice that uttered that name was bitter and disturbed. Her once lush and pink cheeks flooded of all color, and her hand came to her lips. The tip of her sharp fingernail tapped her lower lip as it usually does when she gets stuck in thought.

She froze completely visible to whatever it was that stood within the shadows of the hidden alleyways beside her. Her persistent attitude that made her feel silently superior to those around her, had disappeared like a lit candle in a hurricane.

Swallowing her own saliva, she tilted her head up slightly- a tad bit in the direction of the alleyway- to see two men conversing in the dark.

They were both tall. One of them was much more calm and professional than the other, who seemed to be much more irritated and weak. As they whispered to eachother- somehow unconscious of her presence- she stood behind a wall and listened.

Within a few seconds, the more refined one mumbled something before disappearing into the darkness. The other looked annoyed, clenching his fists and muttering the words "damned pillars" to himself. His fist rose up and punched a wall, indenting it deep. That indent was exactly the same as the ones she had found earlier. This is real evidence! And not only that, but... this demon knows about Kagaya! Master needs to hear this!

Looking up and towards the city, he saw her peaking his way within an instant.

Their eyes swept over eachother, and that's when she noticed the words written in his iris. The words that made her sick to her stomach. The words that twisted her spirit and made her wish she hadn't let her guard down. The words that made her kneel down and pray the day Rengoku Kyojoro painfully died.

Upper Moon Three

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