when i say i hate you, i hesitate

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His perplexed face was annoying to her. After letting the sunlight burn her eyes into a wakened state, she remembered everything that happened. "What?" he accidentally hissed at her, causing her face to wash with a hint of distress. Face vaguely apparent within the darkness, she was unable to see his remorse.

"When are you leaving to fight with Muzan Kibutsuji."

The name was something that shook him to his core- those were words that could kill him if he ever let them slip past his tongue. "Did you have to bring that up?" he sighed, that unnerving headache returning once again.

She pulled her nightgown further down her thighs as she stood. Her body was barely able to stand, and the cold air sent goosebumps down her legs. Both of her eyes turned to the doorway, looking through the cracked wall of wood and leaves. Clenching her fists, her body filled with frustration. As if she was literally boiling, she felt herself get hot. Even with a soft breeze weaving it's way into the house, she still felt like she was burning all over. The sunlight was beginning to disappear, but the heat around her didn't falter.

Her body shook. "What's this?" she questioned to herself, holding both of her hands wide and straight ahead of her. Akaza noticed from afar that her fingers were rapidly shaking, like an unstoppable force. He never felt this type of energy around her before.

(Y/n) was always calm and collected, that's what he liked about her. She didn't seem like a complainer, and everything about her was always graceful.

However, in this moment, he could only sense anger.

Her hand reached out to the door, creaking it open. Akaza quickly stood to his own feet. The sun was down, and the sky was getting darker with each second that passed. Tension filled the air between them, and he felt it was harder to breathe then before. "(Y/n).." he muttered, as if asking her what she was thinking.

Tightening her grip on the door, she broke a long shard of wood from it, before twisting her entire body around and charging at him. His eyes widened in shock as the wood impaled him through his upper chest. Knocked to the floor, he placed both of his hands on the ground to catch himself. On top of him was (Y/n). Tears welt up in her eyes as her teeth grinded against each other furiously. Both of her hands held onto the stick, deepening into his chest until her hands became apart of his bloody wound.

The wound didn't close. Why was that? All demons naturally regenerated, so why did Akaza chose to hold that privilege back?

Just thinking of that made her even more enraged.

"What the fuck."

His words came out like venom as his eyes narrowed, glaring at the girl on top of him. Her body tensed up as her grip on the stick tightened impossibly more. The wood dug into her own fingers, cutting through her skin as if it was soft clay.

"I-" her tears fell down endlessly as her voice trembled, unable to finish her sentence. she stuttered and stuttered as if denying her own voice.

"I Hate You."

The first time she said those words, he didn't hear it. He didn't know why. The words just passed right through his skin, as if he were an allusion.

"I hate you," she spoke dully, digging the shard deeper into his chest.

"No you don't," he muttered, eyes still glaring at her. Their faces were perfectly parallel, and a few strands of her hair tickled the sides of his face. Hand coming up, he pushed her that hair behind her ear.

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