a battle with a moon

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She didn't use her breath to run off, but she ran faster than ever in her entire life. Mud licked itself onto the bottom of her kimono with each desperate step she took, charging toward the hotel room. The loud crowds of people made it impossible to tell if he was behind her or not. Many turned as they watched her crazily sprinting down the street. When she made it to the hotel, her body flew up the stairs and into her room, barricading the flimsy wooden door shut with an old chair..

The putrid aura that surrounded that demon was god-awful.

"Rengoku.." she gasped, clasping her hands together as she nearly collapsed onto the hard floor. Her once perfect hair was out of its place, and the bottom of the Kimono was completely tarnished.

Both of her sleeves loosened, forcing the tight dress to relax. The collar of it now fell a few inches down her shoulders, making her appear far from well-mannered and innocent.

From the pressure of her dramatic entrance into the room, her Katana that once stood so strongly had fallen down. Nothing was there, it simply lost its grip and hit the floor.

His name rung through her ears as she stood up, legs shaking. Rengoku... Nearly ripping the precious Kimono from her skin, She changed into her white nightgown. With the time she had, there was no chance of putting on her uniform. Catching her weapon from the floor, she stormed barefoot towards the door, preparing for what was to come.

Rengoku, it is time I finally succumb to anger.

As the door opened, less than three feet away stood a pale skinned monster with rosey hair. He was already approaching the door, ready to open it. The sound of a whimpering man was heard by the stairway behind him. The creature was inhuman, striped with criminal tattoos, and reeking of rotten flesh.

Kyojoro, where are you right now?

I've always wondered that, whenever I stood close to a demon. I feel every time, that your hands are over my own as I take the final slice. As the demon dies, I feel some sort of underlying hunger that you might've possibly yearned for in your final battle against upper three.

But really, are you actually there with me? Is it my own Breath of the Spirit that brings you back to life, or is it the loss of sanity that Ive managed to hide so well from the others since your death.

Tell me, is it starting to crack through, like the sunrise kissing the empty fields surrounding you during your final breaths? The sky's soft lips, were they something that warmed your cheeks and made your death gentler?

Rengoku.. it's been so painful for me. The moment your crow came and told me the news, I could only resist the truth. My students and peers needed me, I had no choice but to toughen up and move ahead.

Were you scared, then?


Did this Demon scare you?

Her sword was hardly unsheathed, but she was able to place the purple blade in front of her abdomen in the nick of time, and protect herself from the punch he blasted her way.

The force was unlike anything she'd ever encountered before. Even as a Hashira, she felt like this battle was far too difficult for just her. Sanemi told her to call him for help if she needed it, but how the hell was she supposed to do that in this moment?

Even after defending herself from the attack, it barely helped. Her body flew across the room, breaking through the wall and flying out into the open city.

Common talk came to a quick dim, soon converting into hazed screams. (Y/n) stood from the rubble, the white nightgown tearing at the bottom. Scratches and bruises covered her body as she pressed a hand against her ear. Pulling it away, her palm was soaked in blood.

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