Happy Anniversary

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Jay White & Brandi Rhodes 

Jay White held you close as you walked towards the door of the club. It was your three year anniversary and to celebrate he took you out to dinner and your favourite club in Los Angeles. When the two of you walked out into the warm summer night, you weren't surprised that you were met with TMZ. Jay handed the ticket for his car to the valet guy and pulled you closer.

"Hey Jay." One of the guys said with a smile. "Enjoy your night tonight?"

"We did actually." Jay began throwing everybody off. "Thanks."

Jay usually wasn't one to talk to any paparazzi let alone a tabloid show. But he was in such a good mood tonight he figured he would talk to them a bit.

"Brandi, are you enjoying LA?" The same guy asked you.

"You can talk to me." Jay warned. "I'm in a rare form tonight so you might as well take advantage of my good mood. Leave her alone and leave the questions to me."

"Fair enough." The guy nodded. "Are you enjoying LA?"

"I love LA. Jay smiled. "But then again maybe it's because I have m beautiful girlfriend with me."

She couldn't help but blush when she felt her his soft lips on her cheek.

"I love you." She giggled at him.

"I love you too baby."

"You guys are adorable." The guy said, "Don't you guys have an anniversary coming up?"

"It's actually today." Jay proclaimed. "Threes years strong."

"Congrats guys." He said with a smile.

As Jay and they guy continued to talk I leaned against Jay. My feet was killing me because of the heels you decided to wear. Plus I was still feeling a bit buzzed from the wine I had at dinner. I turned to look at Jay, admiring my gorgeous boyfriend. He was wearing a pair of black pants that hugged him exactly where it needed too. A long white sleeves rolled up showing off his gorgeous tattoos (pretend he has tattoos.) His hair was done straight and perfect and all I wanted to do was mess it up. I bit my lip watching his lips move. I wanted him, needed him. I had all night but the alcohol running throughout my system made me want him even more. I leaned against him again, pressing your lips against his ear whispering, "I want you to fuck me."

I felt him grip me tighter as he continued to talk the guy. I smiled when he tightened but it wasn't the reaction I hoped for, so I turned my body to face him more leaning against his side. My lips still near his ear you whispered, "I can't wait to suck your cock."

He turned to face you while talking to the TMZ guy, his golden eyes  full of lust and desire. When he finished his sentence, his straight hair behind his ear, pulled me closer and whispered, "And I can't wait to bury my tongue deep inside your soaked pussy. I bet your dripping right now aren't you baby?"

"Mmm hmm." You sighed closing your eyes making it look like you were tired.

Before he could respond the car stopped in front of the both of them. He opened your door, helping you in, making sure his finger tips ran up your thighs. He shut the door, making sure the valet gets a nice tip and says goodbye to the TMZ guy. Once he was all set he walked around his side of the car and hopped in. He looked over at you with a smile on his face.

"Someone is a horny tonight." He laughed.

"Yes I am." She giggled still in a tiny bit buzz. "Give me a kiss."

He usually wasn't one for PDA but seeing how hot and tempting I looked in this dress, he couldn't help himself.  He pressed his lips to mine and I let out a sigh. His lips were soft and warm tasting like a sweet mixture of red wine from dinner with faint taste of nicotine. It was intoxicating and I wanted more. He pulled away before I could wrap my hands in his hair. He wants to play dirty, I thought to myself, fine two people can play this game. Jay started the car and quickly drove off wanting to get me home as soon as possible. The only problem is where we are staying is about thirty minutes away. Which works perfectly for what I have in mind. As Jay drove on the back roads of LA I turned on the radio and smiled when you heard "Red Light Special" pumping through the speakers.

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