Officer Lopez

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Seth Rollins & Liv Morgan 

I jumped when I heard the doorbell. It was only Seven PM and Colby wasn't supposed to be home until nine. Besides, he would use his key. I left my cornflakes for what it was and opened the door, only dressed in my underwear and a bathrobe.

"Good evening, miss." It took me a second to recognize the police officer as Colby. He was wearing the exact uniform.

"Colby, what-"

"It's Officer Lopez," he interrupted. He quickly stepped into my flat and pushed me up against the door he had just closed.

"Here are the rules for tonight. You will only address me as officer Lopez or sir. You will ask me of you can cum and you don't cum before I give you permission. Do everything I say and you won't be punished." He said with his lips against my neck. He sounded calm but the authority in his voice was clear. 

"Do you understand?" he asked. I nodded, concentrating on the movement of his lips against my neck. "Use words." He spoke before biting down on my neck. "Yes." The word came out with a breath I didn't know I had been holding it in. I was so turned on. 

He looked  at me. "You've already forgot one of my rules, Liv? That will be five slaps. It's so hard for you to listen to me, isn't it?" This time he wasn't expecting an answer since he immediately continued. "Bend over with your hands against the wall so I can search you.I don't want to hear a single sound coming from you." He commanded. I did as I was asked. His hands were on me the moment my hands landed on the wall. He started at my shoulders, paused at my breasts to massage them. I suppressed a whimper, not wanting to make my punishment worse. His hands continued to trace my body. He untied the knot of my bathrobe and slide it off my shoulders.     

His hand disappeared into my panties and cupped my sex. "You're so, so wet, Miss. Liv Morgan." I heard him whisper. I had a really hard time making no sound but I wanted to obey Colby. I loved it when he told me I was a good girl. He inserted a finger and started pumping it. I bit down on my lower lip. When he added a second and third finger I couldn't stop a moan from escaping my mouth. 

A short: "Ten slaps." and a light tap on my bum was all I got before he went back to fingering me. Liv curled her toes as she could feel that familiar feeling in her stomach. She was having an inner fight with herself since she has to ask him if I can cum, but he told me to be quiet. Eventually I decided to take the risk. 

"Officer Lopez, can I please come?" I asked although it sounded more like I was begging. "No I have a long night planned for you." I really couldn't hold it much longer and tried different ways to distract myself from the pleasure Colby was giving me. I counted to twenty in french and tried to remember what I had for dinner a week ago. Colby quickly realized what I was doing and kept me on the edge by varying the pace of his fingers. 

I felt frustrated and relieved at the same time when he withdrew his fingers from my warmth. "Suck." he said as he held his fingers in front of my face. I took them in my mouth and sucked on them greedily, tasting my own arousal. I saw Colby's eyes go darker with lust. 

"I think it's time for your punishment." he decided. 

We were in the bedroom in no time and I was getting nervous because of my punishment. "Take your underwear off." He ordered while he went to sit on the edge of the bed. Liv unclasped her bra and slid her panties down her legs. "Now you're going to bend over my lap, you're going to count every slap and you're going to thank me. If you miss one we'll start from zero and the amount you'll get will double...." 

"Yes, sir." Liv bent over his lap and gripped the sheets so I could hold on to something. He stroked my buttocks for a while until he suddenly withdrew his hand. I was waiting for the smack to come but it took long that when it finally came I didn't expect it at all.  I screamed. He used so much force that his hand would leave a red imprint, no doubt. "One. Thank you, sir." 


"Two. Thank you, sir."

It went on like that and after a while I started to welcome the sting. I longed for the burning sensation of his hand on my behind. Shit, what count were we at?

"Seven?" I couldn't say I didn't like the pain but enough was enough so I really hoped we were at seven.

"Not really." Colby hummed. "From zero."

By the time he had given me the twentieth slap a single tear rolled down my cheek and my eyes were red from trying to hold the tears back.

"Ssh, baby. You're such a good girl for me." He shushed me. He pulled me on his lap. "Is it okay to go on?" Liv nodded and pecked him on the lips. I loved that Colby always wanted to make sure I was alright. That way I knew he would never do something I couldn't handle. I knew I could trust him.

He laid me on my back and took the handcuffs in his hand. "You've been a very bag girl, Miss. Morgan," he said. I knew that we were back in our game because he called me by my last name. "Well maybe you should teach me a lesson, Officer Colby." I answered, playing along. "Oh, I will." He straddled my waist and cuffed my hands to the headboard. The fact that Colby was still fully clothed and I was naked was even more arousing. For the first time today Colby gave me a real kiss. One of those you never want to end. 

He pulled back teasingly slow. I pouted, not that he would give any attention to it. To my surprise he got up from the bed. He walked to the closet and rummaged through the box we keep all our toys in.

He turned around with a riding crop in his hand. "No, sir please." He slowly  walked back to the bed. "Oh, but you asked for it, Miss. Morgan," he smirked. She jolted  when the end of the riding crop landed on my clit. "You don't have to keep quiet anymore. I want to hear you." He didn't have to say that twice because at the second lash a scream left her lips. She wasn't sure if it was pleasure or pain.

The second lash came less unexpected. He changed between light taps and lashes with more force. 

I was just on the edge when he stopped. I whined softly. "Behave." he scolded. He took the uniform off and threw it somewhere in the room. "I think you need a good hard fuck to teach you a lesson." His boxers fell on the floor and his hard length slapped against his stomach.

"Yes, sir. Please, fuck me." I was so frustrated because he brought me to the edge and didn't let me cum twice.

He nestled himself between my spread legs and slammed into me. I never got used to my hands being tied since my first instinct was to wrap my arms around his neck. On the other side I loved how powerless I was. Colby had complete control over me.

His thrusts were hard and fast. He never lost his pace. I found his rhythm and followed my hips to meet his thrusts. "Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!." I moaned. When he started to rub my clit I completely lost. All I could hear, see and feel was Colby. "LIV!" His thrusts were getting sloppier which meant that he was getting close. She clenched her walls around him, earning an even louder moan. He peppered my neck with open mouthed kisses. She was getting so close. He thrusted three more times before she found herself being on the edge again. "S-sir, can I cum please?" She was panting by now. "Yes." he groaned. She let go, screaming his name, and he followed soon after.

"You squirted." He panted, smiling. "I could feel it on my thighs." The intensity of my orgasm hadn't worn off yet and I still had trouble thinking clearly but, I could still feel a flush creeping on my cheeks. "I loved it." he said before kissing her lips briefly. "We'll shower in the morning." He mumbled while uncuffing me. He laid down beside me. 

"Colby? Can we do something like this again soon. I really enjoyed it. You looked hot in that uniform." I giggled at the last part. "Of course we can, babe." He gave me a boyish grin and kissed the top of my head. She snuggled into his side, enjoying his warmth.

"What if we didn't just do this kind of stuff occasionally. I want you take control in the bedroom always." I whispered, scared of what he might think. He looked in my eyes and I knew he did that because he wanted to make sure that I was serious. "We'll talk about this in the morning. You're tired now." he said slowly. I knew he wanted it by the glint in his eyes. He was still afraid I didn't mean it. We were both tired so maybe maybe it really was better to talk about it in the morning. "Have a sweet dreams, baby girl." he whispered just before my eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep. 

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