I'm a Slave for you

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Roman Reigns & Naomi 

Warnings: Sexual slurs (slut and whore), D/s relationship, Master/slave relationship, spanking, toys and sexual content.

The package that reached her house was a complete surprise, she didn't know why Roman sent it. Rather, she knew, but she wasn't expecting it when her boss would be in Dublin for the next two days. It was the first time that she wasn't going with him, so she had taken it as a stop, a pause of sorts in their deal. 

Of course, Naomi should have expected better. The note was short and unsigned, but the calligraphy was more than familiar to her. 

Wear these until I come back. And no touching.

Two plugs sat in a bed of cellphone, she picked one up and couldn't help but laugh at what been engraved at the base. Picking the other one up, her laughter only grew stronger. Roman Reigns, he had fucking engraved the name in gold on the black plugs, in each. 

Her hand wrapped around the flare, it didn't fit around, bit wider than his cock, yes, but not by much. She bit her lip, the worst part wouldn't be wearing the two plugs, she had done so for him in other times. The worst would be the inability to relieve herself for a whole two days.

Shaking her head, Naomi made her way to her room, she would need lube.


She didn't know two days could pass so slowly, minutes feeling like hours as the two plugs chaffed around inside of her, stimulating but never enough. The blush that covered her cheeks was constant, a deep reminder of how much he turned her on, of how much she craved his touch and appraisal. 

It hadn't been really a surprise that Roman had revealed himself to be a Dominant, it was in his way of being in the lingering touches and barked orders. 

Naomi hadn't meant for it to go as far as it did, he was her boss for goodness' sake. But he was also the man that made her feel more alive than any other. The only one who could strum her body like a finely tuned violin. The only one who could make her fall to her knees to please him.

Monday morning 

When he entered through the office door, his tailored suit making him look right out of a catwalk, she found herself watching him closely. Her nipples tightening in and a new wave of arousal crashing down on her body. 

"Miss. Naomi, my office. Bring all the reports you received." He told her dismissively, making sure no one in the office ever had any doubts about their strictly (un)professional relationship.

 Naomi grabbed the papers slowly, she didn't know if Roman would be the boss or the master. Either way she knew that he would make sure in the end she was on her knees begging for his cock. And she wanted it, she fucking wanted it so bad.

She had forsaken heels for simple ballet flats, knowing that stilettos would only make the feelings off the plugs  more pronounced. But her master wouldn't be happy with it, not after he had ordered her in one of these sessions to always wear heels to work.

"Close the door." He didn't even look at her.

Naomi obeyed him easily before walking to his desk, leaving the reports in one of the corners "Reports from Simmons, Kims and Lenk." She told him in a professional tone.

He hummed before the eyes she loved set on her face, lust turning them into a deep brown colour. "You disobeyed me."

Her own eyes fell to the desk. "I'm sorry, master." She apologized, demurely clasping her hands in front of her.

He tutted, getting up from his leather chair "What did I tell you?"

"Always wear heels to work." She couldn't help but add "Today."

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