Wild Night

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Naomi & Seth Rollins 

Storyline: What happens when Naomi wakes up in Seth Rollins hotel?

Seth's POV: 

Oh man, what a night, I'm so tired. Seth turns his head and sees a naked Naomi. "Man, I love f*cking black women." Seth gets up from his bed and hits the bathroom, while Naomi is tossing slowly in bed, opens her eyes and scans the room.

Naomi: What happened?

*Seth Rollins pop his head out of the bathroom and says to Naomi, "Hey babe,"

Naomi: SETH!!!!! What are you doing here?????

Seth Rollins: First of all this is my hotel and second of all last night you were calling me "PAPI"

Naomi: WHAT????

Seth: Ya, I mean you were riding me like your life depended on it. You should have heard what you were saying?

Naomi: What was I saying?

Seth: Oh, you don't remember


Seth: Well, babe take a seat is it a story that I will never forget

*Naomi takes a sit across from Seth*

Seth: The story begins like this 

*flashback Seth's narrating the story*

    A couple of weeks ago Vince McMahon made an announcement that Due to the pandemic that "WWE has been suspended until further notices." As soon as Vince walked back to his office everybody was cheering because for the first time in so many years we finally get a break from wrestling.

Charlotte decided "Let's have a party," Party was a good idea because we won't be seeing each other for a long time. Someone spoke (I have no idea who the f*ck it was) "I have a Florida house that's close to your hotels, we can host the party their and make sure you bring swimwear." Everybody is invited from RAW, SmackDown, NXT, 205 Live, and NXT UK. 

*At the mansion*

*Everybody is amazed how this house/mansion is*

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*Everybody is amazed how this house/mansion is*

Somebody screams, "LET'S PARTY"

Bodies upon bodies is what you would describe when walking inside the house. Girls dry humping each other, kissing, pulling hair and so on.(GIRLS GONE WILD) It was amazing to see these girls not care about wrestling and give us guys a show. 

Naomi: How did we end up together in bed?

Seth: Patience baby

 *Back to the story*

    In the mansion, the dude said, "He has several hot tubes if anybody wants to have quiet time, and doors do lock or take it your hotel room," To be honest with you I've been watching you quite some time from distance and MY GOODNESS your hot. 

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