Part 2: An Old Friend

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Lyrics to the song by Brooklyn_Starry

I did slightly edit the lyrics to make it flow a little better but it was amazing! Thank you so much!


Hugo: Well, excuse me, princess, if I am a bit skeptical!

Nuru: (scoffs) You're skeptical?  You're the one with wanted posters across the Seven Kingdoms.

Hugo: That is a great feat.  That didn't happen overnight.

Varian: Will everyone please stop arguing?  I can't think over you.  Hugo, stop bothering Nuru.

Hugo: Me?  How am I-

Yong: Shhh!  I think something's following us.

(They all go silent)

Varian: It's probably just a bunny...

(Three Saporians hop out from behind the prompt bushes.  Varian blocks a sword with a staff)

Nuru: Bandits!

(Nuru and Hugo pull out swords to fight the other two)

Varian: No!  They're Saporians!

Hugo: There's a difference?

Varian: Yeah!  Bandits might kill you.  Saporians will!

Saporian 1: It's the leader we want dead.  We won't kill you if you just hang him over.

Nuru: What kind of people do you think we are?

Hugo: Even that's below my morals.

(Saporian 2 knocks the sword out of his hand and then points his sword on Varian's back. Varian freezes and puts his hands up and Saporian one puts a blade on Varian's neck)

Saporian 2: Drop your weapons and back away.  (Then to Saporian 3) Tie them up.

Yong: Wait! What are you going to do with Varian?

Saporian 1: Take him to out leader.  He has to pay for what he did to him.

Varian: Oh. (Chuckles nervously)  He's still mad about that?

(Suddenly, a cloaked figure jumps out from behind a tree, knocking the sword out of Saporian 1 hand.  Varian turns and deflects Saporian 2 sword.  Nuru and Hugo fight Saporian 3.  After a some fighting, the Saporians run away)

Cassandra: (takes off hood) Is everyone ok?

Nuru: Yes. You came in the nick of time!

Varian: (surprised) Cassandra?

Cassandra: Hey, Varian.  What are you doing out here?  I heard the commotion and saw you so, I figured I'd step in.

Varian: Ummm... On a research trip.

Yong: You know each other?

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