Chapter 15 ~ To be Generous

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Chapter 15 ~ Abbegael

I wake, for what seems to be the first time in forever, peacefully with the dawn. As the glow of day slowly pushes away the darkness some of the fear seems to dissipate with the gloom and I am left with a peaceful clarity; a certainty I never believed I could feel. We can stop Lucifer.

"So, what's the plan from here?" Isa's voice pulls me from my thoughts and I glance up to find her already up and pacing the small space around us.

"You don't have a plan? Didn't Ahriel tell you what we need to do, or something?" Zak asks, his voice devoid of hope like he already knows the answer.

"I only know what she told all of us, I assume she has more of a plan than 'let's destroy Lucifer' otherwise we might as well give up now. Unless we want to give ourselves away and hope the demons get here before the angels there's no way we can even get into Hell. Getting out may be one thing, you had some idea where you were going, but other than the fact it's underground do either of you have any idea where it is?" Isa replies. After a brief glance at each other Zak and I both shake our heads.

"Just because we don't know right now doesn't mean we can't find out. We will stop Lucifer. I know we can, we just need more information and a plan. We can do this," the determination in my voice comes from that place deep inside me that has kept me alive up until this point, the strong, capable angel who doesn't let a little bit of torture stop her; it's time for a bit of revenge.

"Well at least there's some determination in you, even if it is a bit misguided," the new voice sends all of us into fight mode in seconds, wings flaring and blades in hand, as our eyes scan the forest around us for the source of the enthralling voice.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Zak calls into the silence that follows and a deep sigh slips from the trees.

"I am here to help you in this, might I say ridiculous, task, in which we will all probably die. But, I owe Ahriel a favour for services rendered to my siblings and so I am here, helping as usual." As the deep baritone continues a figure slips from the shadows.

The looming figure steps before us the only thing visible beneath the shroud of his hood, the burning yellow eyes, appearing to glow even in the early morning light. All three of us take a cautious step backwards as we stare up at the imposing figure, taller than anyone I've ever seen before, human or angel.

"I can't read him. Abby?" Zak asks, not taking his eyes off the stranger before us.

"Nothing," I realise as I attempt to find the truth.

Without any further warning the gloved fingers rise and with barely a thought, we raise our blades ready for an attack despite his words; if he was here to help why wouldn't he let us know he was telling the truth?

With a brief sigh he pauses for a moment then continues lifting his hands, slower, until they reach his hood, and he draws it back revealing what lies beneath.

A face pale as the moon appears as the dark fabric slips from his head and falls down his back. Snaking veins appear to shimmer yellow as they crawl their way up his neck, matching the vibrant colour of his eyes, but despite the odd colouration he is more attractive than anyone, angel or human, I have ever seen before and we take a collective step back as we take in the creature before us. My eyes flicker to first Isa and then Zak where they stand by my sides and a moment before my eyes move back to the stranger in our midst I see recognition flash across Zak's face before it is replaced with confusion.

"I didn't think you actually existed," the words are barely audible as they slip from his lips, "He was obsessed with finding you, finding all of you. He thought you had the ability to resist Angel powers. Thought he could use you against the Angels so they wouldn't stand a chance against him." A smirk creeps across the strangers face as Zak speaks until he releases a deep, almost wild laugh that seems to shake the trees around us.

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