Chapter 3 ~ Escape

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Chapter 3 ~ Abbegael

I wake mere hours after lying down to sleep; I need to get away from my 'body guard' for a few hours. I slipped Chastir a note, before he left earlier, asking him to meet me back in the side tunnel; I need to talk to him again without Razakiel listening in on every word we say. Glancing around myself I find Razakiel seated across from me, his back resting against the rocky black wall, one leg spread out in front of him the other bent at the knee, his left arm resting gently on top. His black locks cast shadows over his face as his head rests against the rough rock behind him, but his eyes are closed, his breathing even. 

 A sigh of relief escapes my lips; I was afraid he would still be awake, looming over me even as I slept. Perhaps he wasn't as desperate for Lucifer's approval as I believed, or maybe he didn't think I was capable of attempting an escape; if that was the case this would certainly prove him wrong. Gaining my feet as silently as possible, I creep away from Razakiel's dark figure hunched against the wall. His position doesn't change, his breathing remains even, and I make it around the corner without his vibrant green eyes opening and catching my escape. 

 Once he is out of sight I pick up my pace, rushing, as silently as possible, through the tunnels and halls, ignoring the endless screams and cries for mercy, as I attempt to relocate the remote and long abandoned tunnel that Chase had dragged me into earlier. Shadows flicker around me; souls so tortured they no longer contain any shred of humanity, follow me, looking for someone to torment. I pick up my pace. 

Yes, I am a skilled fighter, but I don't have the time to waste; as soon as Razakiel wakes he will be after me. I need to get to Chase, and fast. I ignore the feeling of being watched, being followed, as it builds inside me, but I don't ignore the shadows themselves. Being caught off guard is not a good idea, no matter how skilled a fighter you are.

 As I stride past yet another shadowy side tunnel, a hand latches onto my upper arm and yanks me to a stop. With barely a thought my blade is in my hand. Heart hammering, I yank my arm from the vice like grip and lift my leg, aiming for my attackers chest. 

 "Relax, Abby. It's just me," my attack falters as Chase's amused voice fills my ears.  His eyes dance, as he looks down at me and I almost growl at the smirk on his face; he loves sneaking up on me. He finds it amusing that I leap into attack mode whenever someone surprises me. To get him back I resume my attack, though reducing the force, and slam my foot into his chest, the satisfying thud as he hits the ground sends a smile skittering across my face. He glares at me, "That wasn't very nice Abby." 

 "Sorry. But you know I don't like it when people sneak up on me; it's hardly my fault I couldn't pull up in time," I say, reaching down a hand to help him up. 

 "Yeah, sure," he rolls his eyes, letting me pull him up, "So, what are we doing here in the middle of the night? I see you managed to escape your stalker."

 "Yeah, probably not for long though," I sigh, the cheery atmosphere disappearing as I contemplate exactly what I brought him here for. "I need to get out, Chase. He doesn't trust me. I mean, he put a guard on me. I thought I'd be able to stay down here for a while without him suspecting anything but I think he's already suspicious. I need to get away now, before Razakiel figures it out and goes running to Lucifer. He'll lock me up and then I'll never get away." 

That he would have me strapped to his table and begging for death, also crossed my mind but I wasn't about to tell that to Chase; there are some things he is better off not knowing.

 "Abby...are you sure? Where are you going to go? He'll be after you as soon as he notices you're gone. There's nowhere to hide. You'd be better off staying down here for as long as possible, if he starts getting suspicious or starts putting his plan into action we can get you out then. But if you try to get out now and he finds you, he'll have you locked up before he's even ready and we'll have no chance of stopping him."

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