Chapter 22 ~ Planning

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Okay so I managed to write a chapter, it's a nanowrimo chapter so may not be as good as usual and completely unedited but I tried :)

Chapter 22 ~ Razakiel

Milli's news sends a rush of excitement through all of us; we are finally getting out of here. For the first time in I don't even know how many days we are going to be outside of a prison cell. The relief is shoved to the side all too soon, as I feel Abby's emotions slip from excitement to dread as the realisation of what is to come hits her and the rest of us are quick to come to the same conclusion.

"Once we get out of here and up to Hell, then what?" Abby asks, "We've come all of this way, intent on finding Lucifer and destroying him along with everything he has created. But... How? We don't even have a plan. Do either of you actually have any idea how we are even going to get close enough to him to do any damage? We have no idea how many demons he has up there with him not to mention all of the Fallen, loyal or not they will follow his orders for fear of what will happen to them if they don't. We cannot possibly stop him. What are we doing? He'll capture us all and then what? Once he has the two of us," her shimmering brown eyes flick up to mine, "he'll use us to destroy our home, our family. He'll be unstoppable. We can't do this!"

"Abby," I murmur softy capturing her dark eyes with my own, "You're right, we do need to come up with a plan to work this all out. I wasn't entirely sure we were ever getting out of here, but we should have spent the time planning how we were going to take down Lucifer. We can do this. Together the five of us are almost unstoppable. We will figure out a way to stop him."

"Absolutely! We could take him down easily! There is no way we are backing out now. He destroyed our lives, started a war and wants to use you destroy everything you love. We have to stop him." Isa steps forward supporting my words.

"I agree, this needs to be done. And at the very least the two of you, Abbegael and Razakiel, are the ones to do it. But we need some sort of plan in place before we get up there. So let's get planning." Carita rumbles from where he sits, back in the corner of the cell.

"Are you still with us Abby?" I ask the hesitation clear in my voice as I reach for her and gently squeeze her hands. Her eyes burn into mine; a thousand questions and fears flashing through her mind as I wait. Then, finally, the endless tumult slows and her tensed frame relaxes.

"I'm with you." A grin makes its way across my face and a sigh slips from my lips. I nod once and squeeze her hands once again before I step away and give her some space.

"Let's get started then," I move over to where Carita sits, Isa and Abby close behind me. I am sliding my way down the wall before I realise Milli is stuck outside, "Should we move over to the gate so that Milli ca..."

"It's okay, I'm here." The whisper of a voice comes from beside Carita and I barely suppress a flinch at the unexpected voice.

"Oh, okay, sorry. I did you get through the gate?"

"The Shadows taught me," something akin to a giggle bubbles around the words and we all sit in wonder for a moment at the melodic sound.

"Okay, where do we start?" Isa asks sliding down to the ground beside Milli's translucent figure, and all eyes seem to move to me, like I have the answers they're looking for. I glance at each of them, meeting Abby's eyes first and coming to rest on them once more after the others. I feel like she needs to have the control in this situation, she knows Lucifer as well as I do and this means more to her than any of us. He does call himself her father. I keep my gaze trained on her and slowly I feel the weight of their gazes lift off of me and drift to where she stands.

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