Chapter 2

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"Good morning, Jisung. Come on, wake up", Minho sat down at the edge of the bed and gently stoked the teenager's back. Jisung grumpily turned around and forced his eyes open, "Can't I sleep a little longer?". Minho chuckled softly, helping him sit up, "I wish you could. But Felix and I have to go to school and have practice afterwards and I don't feel safe leaving you alone for the next twelve hours or so, so we want to introduce you to someone". "O-Oh, okay. Who i-is it?", Jisung seemeed slightly uncomfortable with the thought of meeting new people and Minho felt a bit bad for him but he didn't have a choice. "His name is Chan and he is a trainee like Felix and me at JYP Entertainment. He just graduated and didn't even have his ceremony yet but he is the only person I could think of to keep you company. I consider him as one of my best friends and he is a very nice, responsible and trustworthy person", Minho explained, grabbing some clothes for Jisung to wear. "You can put these on. Chan will come over to have breakfast with us in a few minutes and I want to talk to you about some things before Felix and I have to leave. Don't worry, it's nothing bad", his warm smile helped Jisung calm down a little bit and he nodded and changed into the clothes he had been given.

Wearing a simple black sweater and gray sweatpants, Jisung walked into the kitchen where he was greeted by Felix, Minho and an unfamiliar guy. "Good morning, Jisung. How did you sleep? Minho made omelets but you can also have the rest of your salad from last night", Felix smiled and pulled out the chair next to him for Jisung to sit down. "Thank you. I slept okay, struggled with a few nightmares but besides that it was good. I can't even remember the last time I slept on a real bed, so this was basically a heaven-like sleep", Jisung responded, eyeing the stranger sitting opposite of him. "I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself yet, I didn't want to interrupt your conversation. My name is Chan, nice to meet you", Chan introduced himself and shook Jisung's hand, careful not to hurt him. "N-Nice to m-meet you t-too. I'm Jisung", the younger forcer a smile, unsure about the situation.

"Here, Jisung, your food", Minho set the plate down in front of him and took a seat next to Chan. "Do you feel better today, Jisung?", Minho asked concerned and watched the younger struggle taking a bite from the omelet. "Yes, thank you", Jisung replied and Felix took his plate from him. "It's okay. Don't force yourself to eat more than you can. Your body will get used to it again over time", he smiled sympathetically and Jisung simply nodded. "Do you feel comfortable talking about some things we should do now?", Minho then asked and the younger nodded again.                           "I already looked up a few things online las night and found out some facts about your childhood that make it a lot easier for us. Because before we can do anything else, we need to apply for an identification card for you or else you won't be able to live comfortably in this country. Now, we obviously don't have any papers about you but since we know your old address, name and birth date, it shouldn't be too hard to get you a new one. What I don't know how to do yet, is deciding on a new address. You have to live somewhere and you can't really live with us because firstly, if we pass the next evaluation we are going to move into a dorm at our company's building and second, we don't have enough space for a third person in this apartment. We could solve this problem, if we got you into the company as well, if you want to at least. I read about all the competitions you won with singing and rapping as a child, so with some practice, you might be able to pass an audition", Minho started explaining and Jisung kept on nodding. "I actually always wanted to do that, yeah. And singing and coming up with lyrics was actually the only things I kept doing in the past years, although I didn't have a chance to write anything down. And I wasn't allowed to sing out loud a lot", Jisung stated and his eyes sparkled with excitement. Minho and Chan cooed at the younger and Felix giggled softly. "Well, that sounds great because there are actually going to be auditions at the company building in like two weeks from now or so", the youngest of the four explained and Jisung grinned. "But, we can't just focus on auditions. Even if you actually become an idol one day, you need to get education. Therefore, I want you to take private elementary and middle school classes until you are able to graduate from middle school. Afterwards you will attend a regular high school, I think. Education is very important and we should focus on that pretty soon. If you are okay with it, Chan will go to the doctor's office with you today to get you checked and to send you to a psychologist. I know that sounds scary but after the things you went through, you definitely need professional help which neither of us can provide", Minho said and didn't stop smiling even once. "O-Okay. B-But I want to t-tell the p-police about i-it", Jisung stuttered quietly and tears welled up in his eyes. All this information was too much for him to handle at once. And he needed comfort. Minho quickly got up from his seat and walked around the table to pull Jisung into a hug. "It's okay, Ji. You are so strong", the older whispered reassuring words into his ear, caressing his back while Jisung bawled his eyes out. "I-I'm scared, Minho. H-He hurt m-me so m-much. W-What if they d-don't believe m-me?", he was sobbing hardly and Minho knelt down in front of him. "People will believe you, Ji. You are living proof for the bad things that happened to you, so don't worry. Me and Chan will go to the police with you after school, okay? But you need to be able to tell them about the things that happened. If you aren't ready yet, we should wait", Jisung understood Minho's words and stayed silent for a few minutes. "I-I think I'm ready. I want to tell them - and I want to tell you", Jisung looked determined and Minho was glad to see him like this. "Okay. Felix and I have to go now. Chan will go to the doctor's office with you and afterwards you two are going to go shopping. Chan, call me if anything is wrong, I will keep on my notifications just in case", Minho gave Jisung one last hug and the two roommates grabbed their things and left.

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