Chapter 4

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"The next candidate is number 104, Han Jisung!", a female coordinator said, taking a step into the waiting room and Jisung quickly scrambled off his seat to follow her. To say he was nervous was an understatement but he knew he was better than average and that this was his chance to start a new life.

"What are you going to show us today?", one of the head dance teachers asked as Jisung stood in front of the table. "I will sing and rap", he exclaimed, giving his best to seem confident. The three teachers that were judging all the candidates nodded and allowed him to start. Jisung took one last deep breath before starting his acapella performance.

The five minutes of singing and rapping passed within the blink of an eye and although he was sweating and out of breath, he was very satisfied with himself and the teachers were too. "Wait outside, someone from staff will tell you if you are allowed to stay or not", a friendly looking teacher said and he nodded and thanked them before going back outside.

"How did it go?", Minho, Felix and Chan were waiting for Jisung a bit further away from the waiting room. Two other boys that Jisung hadn't seen before were with them. "I honestly don't remember anything. But it felt good", Jisung admitted and Minho grinned. "Oh, I feel that. At the beginning I would also always forget how I performed. But I'm sure you did well. Did they already tell you if you can stay?", the second oldest asked and Jisung shook his head no. "No, not yet. They said I should wait for someone from staff to tell me whether I have to go or am allowed to stay", the candidate explained and the others nodded in understanding. "I just noticed, we haven't introduced you guys yet. Jisung meet Changbin and Jeongin. You two, this is Minho's roommate I told you about", Chan introduced the three and Jisung smiled happily. Although he had only known Minho, Felix and Chan for about two weeks, Jisung had grown to enjoy his new life with his friends a lot. Everything excited him, even going for a walk or buying groceries. His friends took great care of him and didn't allow him to go outside on his own for now, he was too easily scared by people and he had yet to learn how to control his slipping into the younger head space.

"Nice to meet you, Jisung. I'm Changbin, the rich friend that pays for you", the one year older introduced himself chuckling and Jisung immediately blushed. "I'm sorry, you know you don't have to", he mumbled, avoiding anyone's gaze and Minho gently patted his back. "Don't worry Ji. We are close friends and it was a joke, you are not a burden to anyone", he calmed his roommate down and Jisung leaned against him. Cuddling with Minho and Felix had become a habit of Jisung and he especially enjoyed Minho's soft touch.

"Yes. As Chan has probably already told you, my family isn't exactly poor and you have only lived a normal life for two weeks now. We don't mind paying your rent and food for as long as you need", Changbin explained with a soft smile on his face and Jisung nodded slightly. "Thank you", he said but before the conversation could go on, they were interrupted by a young woman that worked at the company. "Han Jisung? I would like to inform you that you are allowed to stay. You will have a dance lesson with some other soon-to-be trainees in five minutes to see how much practice you will need and afterwards we will go into my office to sign a few contracts and decide about your living situation. And you five should go back to your own practice room because I'm sure your teachers would like to share the results of the monthly evaluation with you", she informed the six of them and Felix and Jisung let out an excited scream. "You did it!", Felix yelled proudly and Jisung hugged everyone close, even Changbin and Jeongin, whom he had just met. "I told you you would get in on your first try. I'm surprised they already made a decision. Usually, it takes them a few weeks or even months", Chan said and smiled at the younger. "Let's talk later. We have to get back and you have a dance lesson now", Felix hugged his almost twin once again and the others left, while Jisung made his way back into the practice studio.

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