Chapter 14

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"Ahh, what should I wear?", Jisung asked, holding two plain red button-ups in front of his chest. He was surrounded by a mountain of clothes he had pulled out of his closet, but nothing seemed to be right. "Stop freaking out, Sung. It's just a date", Felix said and threw his phone away. "It's not just a date, Felix! It's our first official date and I don't even know where we are going! Minho just said to wear something pretty", the squirrel was completely freaking out at this point, but Felix wasn't surprised by that. He was more surprised by the fact that this was their first official date. The two had been dating way longer than him and Changbin but still never went on a date? How could that even be possible?

"Well, then I guess you are going to go to a restaurant or something. I'd say you wear those black slacks, they are your favorites anyway, and combine it with a cream-colored shirt. A slightly over-sized blazer on top and you are good to go", the Australian said and put his choice on the bed. "Change and come to Binnie's room to show me how you look", and with that he left to cuddle with his boyfriend. Jisung pouted softly, he had expected a bit more help from the other. Although, he couldn't really blame him; Changbin and Felix hadn't been able to spend time with each other for over three weeks, because 3Racha were so busy working on tracks. It was everyone's first day off in a while and he was happy for them to spend it together. He was going to spend the day with his boyfriend as well.

An hour later, Jisung was still busy getting ready, as Minho knocked on the door to their dorm. He was nervous, he had to admit, but he couldn't wait go on a date with his boyfriend. "Oh, hey, Minho. Jisung isn't ready yet, but you can come in. The others are in the living room", Felix opened the door for his friend. "Good to know, thanks. I'm surprised you are here, didn't Changbin want to go on a date with you too?", the older said, making Felix blush slightly. "Well, we wanted to, but I kind of- uhm, I maybe accidentally seduced him this morning and now walking hurts quite a bit", the Australian explained embarrassed, and Minho snorted. "'Accidentally', I see", he grinned, walking past his friend into the living room. Everyone except Jisung and Felix, who was right behind him, was sprawled on the couch and the floor. Chan was reading a story to Jeongin, the youngest curled up in his lap.

"Hello, family. I'm home", Minho greeted everyone, and Chan smiled at his friend's words. "It's nice to see you, Min. Are you here to pick up your hyperactive toddler that has been bouncing off the walls all morning?", Changbin joked, earning a confused look from the older. "Was he that nervous? I'm glad I didn't tell him where we are going, then", Minho said, and just in that moment, Jisung walked into the living room, nervously fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "Felix, do you think I-", the young boy interrupted himself once he spotted his boyfriend sitting on the edge of the couch. Minho turned around to look at the other and he was stunned. Jisung looked amazing. These black skinny jeans combined with combat boots and the red shirt with the two upper buttons unbuttoned showed his slim but toned body off so well, Minho almost started drooling. "You look amazing, love", he said, walking over to Jisung to connect their lips for a brief moment. Jisung melted into the touch, leaning closer to his partner and refusing to let go.

"Alright, we get it. You are in love. Would you please keep everything mature; Innie will start crying if I cover his eyes any longer", Chan scolded the two and Jisung quickly jumped away, flashing an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Chan-hyung. Jisung barely ever kisses me that long, I must enjoy it whenever he does", Minho was not really sorry, but he knew he had to say something nice. "Alright then. Can we please go now?", the squirrel-like boy asked and Minho nodded immediately. "Sure, love. Today is going to be amazing", the older said and after waving goodbye to everyone, the couple grabbed their things and walked out of the building.

"Where are we going? Where are we going? Where are we going?", Jisung was literally jumping up and down next to Minho and constantly asking questions. With an amused grin, Minho grabbed the other's hand, "You'll see baby. But we have to hurry a bit, so we don't miss the next train. I don't want to have to wait five minutes". Jisung pouted softly but didn't complain any further.

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