Chapter 8

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Well, everything wasn't alright. Jisung was allowed to leave the hospital after two days but he had to take a month long break from practice and mnet was not okay with that. Of course, Chan had talked to the company about mnet showing Jisung passing out on national TV but unfortunately they allowed the producers to stream that scene at the end of the episode. Therefore, they also continued filming when Jisung wasn't allowed to practice because they had a very obvious reason why he wasn't practicing. Although, Jisung was forced to go back to practice after less than two weeks because they didn't want him to not practice in more than one episode. And Jisung still had to take part in the next monthly evaluation, meaning he desperately needed to practice if he didn't want to be eliminated.

Again, three months had passed and while Jisung was still focusing on getting better, taking a lot of therapy and having less time to study for school, the group was about to film their very first music video tomorrow. The title of the song was "Hellevator" and it obviously didn't count as Stray Kids' debut song since the survival show was still ongoing but it still felt like a promise that the eight of them would make their debut together. Why else would their company already post a music video of the group with their current eight members?

"Daddy, Sungie wanna cuddwe an' watch movie", Jisung stated, walking into the living room with a blanket and his favorite stuffie in his hands. He hadn't slipped in weeks, always too busy to do so. Minho was lounging around on the couch, his phone in his hands and reading through comments under the latest episode of the survival show. He hated how many more people had started watching it since the episode in which Jisung was unconscious had been aired, he despised these people.

Sighing quietly, he turned off his phone and patted the couch next to him for Jisung to come closer. "Of course, baby. What movie do you want to see?", he asked and Jisung happily dropped himself onto him, making the older yelp in pain. Jisung only giggled and gave him a messy kiss before reaching for the remote. "No, no, baby. Daddy is the one to turn on the TV. Now, what movie do you want to see?", Minho gently scolded him and moved him so they were cuddling in a more comfortable position. "Da one with the fishies!", the little exclaimed and Minho turned on 'Finding Nemo'. "Do you need your binkie, baby?", Minho asked as Jisung started sucking on his thumb and the younger nodded, watching his caregiver get up to grab a clean pacifier for him.

When Minho returned, he found not only Jisung lying on the couch. Felix and Changbin had joined the little, keeping him distracted while he had to wait for Minho's return.

"Here, baby", he waved with the pacifier to get his little's attention and Jisung started clapping and kicking his little legs in excitement. Before Minho put the pacifier in his boyfriend's mouth, he quickly pecked his lips, feeling his heart melt at the cute giggles the other released. "You are such a cutie, baby. My cute little baby boy", Minho cooed, pulling Jisung on top of him to cuddle him close. Felix and Changbin watched the couple in awe, both of them longing for this kind of affection but not yet confident enough to admit their feelings to each other. Because everyone else in the dorm was very sure about their mutual liking for each other, only Felix and Changbin hadn't realized it yet.

While the four roommates were watching the movie, Chan, Jeongin, Hyunjin and Seungmin eventually joined them. "Channie-hyung, I'm hungwy", Jeongin whined and everyone's ears perked up, especially Jisung's. Jeongin had started talking like a child a few times whenever he was really stressed over the past weeks but no one had paid attention to it very much. "What do you want to eat, Innie?", Chan asked, not bothering to question his roommates behavior for now. Jeongin hesitated, jealously looking at Jisung, who was happily drinking from his sippy cup. The youngest knew exactly what he wanted but he was too scared to ask for it. He let out a frustrated whine and quickly ran into his room, hiding in his wardrobe. "What was that?", Changbin asked confused but the others just shrugged. "I have no idea", Chan admitted but Jisung scrambled off the couch with his sippy cup still in his hand and waddled into Jeongin's and Chan's bedroom.

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