Chapter 11

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This is the last pre-written chapter I have. I'll try my best to update multiple times a week but I can't promise anything. I have an exam tomorrow and a few more to come, so I'll probably be really busy for the rest of the month. I'll keep you updated!

Enjoy reading! I know nothing is really happening in this story right now, but I enjoy these filler chapters that are just a little angsty and lovey dovey. There will be a lot more exciting events in the next chapters, I promise.


The next days, Minho spent as much time as he could with Jisung and the other members, or ex-members to be correct. His mental health barely existed anymore, although he tried not to show it too much, knowing Jisung would worry about him. The younger himself was also struggling quite a lot, but he enjoyed all the cuddles with Minho too much to be upset.

Unfortunately, Monday came around faster than anticipated and Minho had to go back to training with all the other trainees, while Stray Kids were busy preparing for their next evaluation. And since Minho's schedule was now completely different from his friends', they didn't have time to see each other anymore.

"Come on, guys, focus! We have three weeks until the next evaluation and I would very much appreciate if no one else gets eliminated. I know you are all still sad because you miss Minho, I am too, but he's not part of the group anymore and we can't change that", Chan scolded his members as they kept messing up their choreography. They had been learning the new dance all day with their choreographer and wanted to work on the details now. "Minho would've been more patient with teaching us", Jeongin grumbled. He couldn't get one certain move right and remembered how Minho had stayed back with him every week to help him get everything right. Now he wasn't there anymore, and he had honestly no idea how to master this choreography all by himself.

Chan sighed deeply, frustration taking the best of his sleep deprived body and mind. "You know what, do what you want. I don't have time for this right now", he said, angrily picking up his bag, and left.

"What are we going to do now?", Felix asked after a minute of silence. Changbin, who had been sitting on the ground till now, got up and looked at everyone, "How about we try and get him back?". Everybody frowned, confusion washing over their faces. "How do you plan to do that?", Jisung asked. He would do anything to get his boyfriend back into the group. "Well, how about we show that the group doesn't work without him? We could purposely mess up dances or lyrics", Changbin suggested but Seungmin immediately shook his head. "You are forgetting that they could still eliminate at least one more person. We can't risk that", he intervened and Changbin bit his bottom lip. "But what else could we do? We need him to debut with us, he is Jisung's boyfriend, he saved his life, and he is the only person that can take care of us like Chan. We are completely lost without Minho", Hyunjin asked desperately. "C-Can we stop talking about him, p-please?", Jisung quietly spoke up, trying to hold in his tears. Hyunjin pulled him into his embrace and started to gently rub his back. "It's okay to be upset, Jisung. Don't force yourself to be happy", he whispered as he noticed the younger's shaking body.

"Let's get back to our dorm. Jisung, Chan and I have to work on tracks later, but it's not a problem to do that at the dorm and not at the studio. Staying here won't help any of us", Changbin picked up his back from the ground and the rest of the group followed his example. Jisung was still crying, but he was fine walking on his own as long as he could hold Hyunjin's hand.

While the seven boys were back at their dorm, Minho was wasting his time in an "advanced" dance course. He had probably never been more bored than in that second. Nobody except him and three other trainees were actually "advanced" dancers, therefore the four of them didn't do anything but lean against the wall and watch the other trainees mess up. He would much rather be back to training with his friends or cuddle with Jisung, but no, he had to waste four hours of his time to watch people fail at dancing.

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