Chapter 15

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CW: sexual/heated scenes

It took Jisung quite a while to calm down again, and Minho kept caressing his back and cheek, comforting him to his best abilities. "Do you want to tell me what's going on? You seemed very upset just now", Minho carefully asked and Jisung nodded. He sat up straight and drank some water, before beginning to talk, "I-I don't know how to regress anymore". "What do you mean, you don't know how to regress anymore?", Minho asked and Jisung sighed deeply. "I don't have the urge to regress anymore, it faded over the past months. And I feel extremely sorry for Jeongin, but I don't feel comfortable acting like I can still slip. I can't do it automatically and I don't feel like forcing myself into a younger headspace. I kind of just- grew out of it or something", the younger was absolutely frustrated about it, but Minho couldn't help but smile. "Do you know what that means, love?", he said, forcing the other to look at him, "It means you are healing. It means you are getting better. I understand that you are upset and don't want to disappoint Jeongin. I understand that it's frustrating you've lost your best escape from reality. But you regressed because of trauma, and the fact that you don't feel like doing that anymore, means that you are overcoming your past. You have learned how to live a normal life, and how to cope with the things you suffer from". Jisung was stunned. That was a completely different view from how he had seen it. Maybe it wasn't that bad after all. But something was still frustrating him, "But why do I now get stressed over the smallest things more easily? Like, all I do now if I'm stressed is crying. And I have such a weird hot feeling whenever I touch you. I don't know what to do with all these new emotions and feelings". Jisung was overwhelmed, Minho could tell. "Come here, love", the older said, embracing his boyfriend in his arms. "I don't know why everything is more stressful now, perhaps it's just your hormones going wild. Your body couldn't produce hormones properly throughout the last years, so maybe that's starting for you now. But would you tell me what you mean with hot feeling when you are close to me?", Minho smiled softly, and Jisung nodded after some hesitation. "I don't really know how to describe it; it's just that whenever you are near me, I want to get even closer to you, like with our bodies touching. And your hands on my skin erupt little sparkles and I feel heated up. But I don't know what this means, I've had it for a while now but it's only growing stronger", Jisung explained. Minho almost started laughing at how cute and innocent the other was, he knew exactly what this meant. "So, it is hormones, I see. Jisung, I have a question, please be honest; have you ever gotten a boner?", the older asked, and Jisung's body tensed immediately. Memories of past experiences came flashing in. "I-I have, why?", he bit his lips, forcing himself to only focus on his boyfriend. "Please tell me if I'm pushing too much. But I'm pretty certain I know what your weird feelings mean. Have you- have you ever masturbated?", Minho asked on, scared he might be pushing too far. The last thing he wanted to do was making Jisung uncomfortable. "Why are you asking these questions? Y-Yes, I h-have, b-but only two times or so", Jisung hid his face behind his hands, too embarrassed to look at the other. Minho gently stroked his partner's back, trying to ease him a little. "I'm asking these questions because that is what's going on. Your body has reached a point where it wants sexual interactions with another human being – or sexual interactions in general – and me being the person you love explains why you feel so weirdly heated up around me. Your mind might not be ready, which is fine, I will wait for your consent, but your body is starting to want it", Minho explained, forcing Jisung to meet his eyes. They stayed silent for a few minutes.

"W-What if- w-what i-if I-I want to d-do something w-with y-you? A-And it's not j-just m-my body", Jisung was blushing madly, averting his gaze out of embarrassment. Minho was slightly taken aback, he hadn't expected Jisung to say something like that, but of course he wasn't complaining. "Don't be embarrassed, love. What do you want to try?", Minho kept stroking the other's back to reassure him about the situation. Jisung hid his face in Minho's chest to hide his blushing face, "N-No s-sex, b-but t-t-touching i-is fine". The younger was speaking so quietly, Minho had almost not heard him. "Okay, love. Just tell me whenever you want to stop. There is no pressure, we will go exactly as far as we're both comfortable", Minho replied, pulling his boyfriend up in his lap. Jisung's eyes met his, before they fell to his lips. Minho noticed Jisung staring at his lips and smirked for a second, before engaging him in a long soft kiss. Their lips moved against each other, and goose bumps ran over the younger's body. Minho gently pushed his tongue against the other's lips, signaling him to open his mouth. Jisung understood and parted his lips just enough for Minho to push his tongue in. A soft moan escaped Jisung's lips as he accidentally grinded against Minho's crotch, their clothed members rubbing against each other. Minho let go of Jisung's lips, slowly trailing down to his neck to plant soft kisses everywhere, before gently nibbling and sucking on the sensitive skin. Jisung tried to suppress all the embarrassing noises that were bound to escape his mouth. "Relax, love. Let me hear you", Minho whispered, and carefully pulled on the hem of Jisung's shirt, silently asking him for consent to take it off. Jisung nodded, helping Minho to take the shirt off. The older removed his shirt as well, before attaching his lips to his beloved partner again. Minho's tongue trailed around Jisung's nipple, one of his hands twisting and stimulating the other. Jisung head fell back, his eyes fluttering close, as small moans left his mouth. He had never felt something like this before, but he really enjoyed it. Minho continued kissing Jisung's chest while he gently took one of the younger's hands and placed it on his crotch. Jisung tensed, looking at Minho with a scared expression. "It's okay, Sung. Go as far as you want, you can just keep your hand there if that's enough for tonight. Do you want me to touch you?", Minho wasn't used to going so slow, nor was he used to communicating so much while doing this, but he gave his best to make Jisung comfortable. It was significant for the younger to make good first experiences and Minho would give his all to make sure that was the case.

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