Chapter 5

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Author's note

I'm sorry, I already failed at posting daily. I was in an amazing mood yesterday and went out with first my grandparents and later my friends, so I kinda forgot to post. 

But here you go now!


Waking up the next day, Jisung found himself trapped between the wall and another body. A blush crept to his face as he remembered the last night and the words he exchanged with Minho. Hopefully, the older didn't think big Jisung was in love with him. Because it was true, Jisung did have a crush on him, but he definitely did not want to tell the other, like, ever.

"Minho-hyung, wake up. Hey, come on, we both have school to attend", Jisung shook his roommates shoulder but only received an annoyed huff before Minho tried to turn around. "Hyung, please. I can't get up without you moving because you've trapped me. I want to study and do my homework before school, so I can take my first middle school exams soon. Please, this is really important to me", the younger pleaded and Minho finally moved. "Okay, okay, I got it. Stop rambling so much in the morning, you're making me feel bad for ignoring you", he yawned and gave Jisung a tired hug, before the younger eventually walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day. "It's amazing how determined he is to start high school at regular age. I wish I was so excited for my finals to come around in less than a year", Minho mumbled to himself and changed into his school uniform. For the 18 year old, it was really unfair that the soon-to-be-seniors had to go to school on the days between Christmas and New Year's. Today was December 29th and he did at least get three days off around the upcoming holiday but he still had to go back to school on January 2nd until the trimester ended at the beginning of February. Felix graduated from middle school the week before Christmas and was allowed to stay home until the ceremony on January 4th. Afterwards he had to go back to school for the last month in preparation of becoming a high school student, although he wouldn't get any more grades. In Minho's mind, it was just unfair. He was, in fact, the best student in his year and would consider himself pretty smart. But knowing that others were allowed to stay home for three weeks while he had to go to school almost the whole time, he simply thought he was being treated unfairly.

While sulking quite a bit, Minho started preparing some breakfast for himself and his roommates. Felix was obviously still asleep but he would need some breakfast later and since the eldest of the three was the only one who could properly cook, he usually made all their meals. While Minho was mixing some pancake batter, Jisung walked into the kitchen, Felix' Ipad and his textbook in his hands. Felix had allowed Jisung to use his Ipad for studying because he barely ever used it and it was less of a waste of paper if Jisung wrote his notes on the device. "Good morning, Ji. I'm making pancakes with fruit salad for breakfast. And I figured some rice, vegetables and two of Felix' brownies would be perfect for your lunchbox?", the older suggested and Jisung nodded happily. "Thanks, hyung, you're amazing. Do you need any help or can I study until the food is done?", he asked and after Minho told him he didn't need any help, Jisung sat down and focused on his homework. It had only been about two weeks since Jisung started his new life, meaning it had also only been two weeks since he started attending school again. Luckily, he turned out to be rather smart and after two days of catching up on elementary school lessons, he had understood everything and his teacher started teaching him topics from the middle school curriculum. Obviously, he was still learning things junior middle school students were taught and in most subjects it was going very well. Jisung used every free minute of the time he spent in his big head space to study, because he felt like he had to prove that Minho's and Felix' and Chan's and Changbin's efforts were all worth it.

Today, Jisung was trying to study for his physics lesson, since that was the subject he was lacking the most in. Unfortunately, no matter how many times he tried to solve the equations or at least tried to understand the tasks, he just couldn't figure out a solution. He was a pretty short-tempered person, especially when he was stressed, and right now he had a bubbling frustration inside of him that was growing every second. His mind told him to calm down and look it up on Youtube or ask Minho for help but he was way too frustrated to think straight at the moment. Overwhelmed with the situation and not knowing how to handle his inner debate, Jisung let out an annoyed scream, so loud that Minho almost dropped his plate of baked pancakes and loud enough for Felix to wake up from it. "God dammit!", he yelled, throwing his textbook trough the room in anger. Minho jumped and looked at his roommate concerned. "Don't yell, Ji. Tell me, what's bugging you right now?", he asked and carefully put the plate down. Jisung, now realizing what he had done, started tearing up, "I'm sorry, hyung. Please don't be mad! I was just angry at me for being too fucking stupid to solve some shitty middle school tasks that I-I- I'm s-sorry for d-disappointing you", Minho grew even more concerned at the younger's words and pulled him into a hug. "Don't cry, Ji. You are too strict with yourself. You are doing really good! I'm so amazed every time I see you study. You are so determined to catch up on all the things you didn't learn yet, that is really something you can be proud of. But at the same time, your expectations on yourself are way too high. You can't forget, that you just escaped your torture less than three weeks ago. Your wounds haven't even fully healed yet, you are getting therapy and have to take your medication or your body still wouldn't function because of how underweight you are. Jisung, you are the strongest person I ever met and no one is disappointed at you. And you shouldn't be either. Life isn't easy, you know that, but you have become a trainee at JYP yesterday! You are about to become a singer, isn't that awesome? So many great things happened within two weeks of your new life. You shouldn't be so sad about it, okay? I am extremely proud of you and Felix and the others are proud of you as well. You have become one of my best friends in only two weeks, although people usually think I'm mean and scary, that is also something you can be proud of. Please stop thinking so low about yourself", Minho tried to help the younger calm down and Jisung's sobs eventually turned into quiet sniffles. "Thank you, hyung. I'm sorry for crying, we're both late for school now", he apologized and Minho sighed. "Stop apologizing, school isn't as important as you are. I'll just put some pancakes and the fruit salad in our lunch boxes and we'll be fine. You can put on your shoes already", the eldest said and Jisung nodded.

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