Chapter 16

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Author's note

I know this is really short and I'm very sorry about that. I promise I'm working on an interesting plot but I needed this filler chapter to prepare for it! Also, I'm writing exams next week, so I don't know when I'll be able to post the next chapter yet, but I'll try to post as fast as possible. 

Have a lovely day and enjoy reading!

Akira <3


The things that were going on in Jisung's room the night before were the main topic at breakfast the next morning. Since the group had another day off, except for some training in the evening, they were having breakfast together.

"So, last night I heard some very questionable noises coming from your room, Jisung. And I just wanted to congratulate you two for getting so much closer", Changbin started the debate, knowing exactly what he was doing to his embarrassed friends. "Thanks a lot, Changbin. We really appreciate your words", Minho dryly responded, making everyone else at the table laugh. "It's always an honor", Changbin joked as he shoved a spoon full of rice into his mouth. "Although you are right, Changbin, it is very nice for Minho and Jisung to get closer with each other, I really don't think we should be discussing their private interactions right now. How about we decide what we are going to do today? I'm open for anything", Chan said, and Jisung thought the eldest sounded exactly like a dad, even though he couldn't really remember what fathers were like.

"I want to go to the mall! We can go shopping and then we can go to the cinema together and eat ice cream and popcorn!", Felix excitedly suggested and Hyunjin and Jeongin immediately agreed.

"Sounds good to me. I still need to buy some Christmas presents anyway", Changbin said, and Felix gave him a soft peck on the cheek. The younger knew his boyfriend wasn't the biggest fan of going shopping, especially not with Felix, Hyunjin and Jeongin because they always took too long to decide what to buy. Since Chan was down for anything and Jisung and Minho were just happy to be able to spend quality time with all their members for the first time in a while, the decision was quickly made. Felix was jumping up and down and ran into Changbin's room to steal his favorite clothes from him, while the rest were getting ready in content silence, a happy smile plastered on everyone's faces.

"Min, I don't know what to wear", Jisung whined, making the older chuckle. Minho was sitting on his old bed, scrolling through Instagram, patiently waiting for his boyfriend to finally get ready to leave. "I don't know, baby. What do you want to wear?", he asked, and Jisung sighed dramatically. "Well, I don't know! I thought I'd just wear some black skinny jeans and a hoodie, but my thighs look so fat. Then I put on these ripped blue boyfriend jeans, but they make me look even worse! A-And I don't even know w-what top I s-should wear", Jisung's voice shaking, signaled Minho how close the younger was to crying. He quickly got up and embraced Jisung in his arms, "Come here, love. It's all good. You are not fat. And nothing makes you look bad or weird. We will find something you are comfortable wearing. Calm down, my love". A quiet sob escaped Jisung's voice and he clung onto his boyfriend. "I-I'm sorry. I'm holding us up", the younger stated and Minho sighed once again. "You are not holding anyone up, Sung. It's okay for you to be upset, everyone feels like this sometimes, that's just what being human is about. Let me look for something to wear for you with you. I'm positive we'll find something", Minho gently patted Jisung's back until he stopped crying and they eventually found something the younger felt comfortable in.

"Woah, there's an arcade! We could play so many cool games!", Felix almost screamed, pointing at a big arcade right after they arrived at the shopping mall. "Stop yelling, Lix. People are staring", Changbin softly scolded his boyfriend, intertwining the fingers. "Besides, you wanted to go shopping and watch a movie. Going to the arcade to play games you also have at the dorm will waste your money", Chan explained, declining Felix's wish to play games. "But I don't have them at home!", the young Australian complained, pouting like a toddler. "You have other games at home Felix. And only half of us really like video games, what would the rest do? You can come here again with me or Changbin or Jisung. Let's go shopping and watch a movie today, just like what you suggested earlier", the leader tried to stop his member from pouting, but he wasn't very successful.

Changbin managed to brighten his boyfriend's mood again after a couple minutes and the group went to the first clothing store they were interested in.

"Hey, Felix. Can you do me a favor?", Minho asked after the eight boys had left the third clothing store and were calmly walking around the mall. The young Australian boy quirked an eyebrow at the other, "Sure, what do you want me to do?". "Well, I was thinking to gift Jisung a three-day trip to a very famous luxurious hotel in Busan, but he kind of- uh- needs a suit for that. And I know he already has one, but he's gained not just a little bit of weight since we bought it, so I just suspect it doesn't fit him anymore. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm very happy he is back to a more normal weight", Minho whispered, blushing madly. Felix' eyes widened and a big smile crept onto his face, "That's an amazing idea, hyung! Of course, I'll get him to buy one. Does he need anything else?". Minho couldn't even describe how thankful he was to have Felix as his friend. "No, I don't think so. But I've noticed he could use new clothes, so if you or the others haven't gotten him anything yet, it'd be great if you could give him some new things. Ji doesn't get a lot of pocket money from the child support organization that's paying for him", the older explained and Felix nodded in understanding. "Of course, I'll let the others know. Have you talked to him about how he is going to pay for practice and training once the new year begins? He won't be getting child support anymore once he turns eighteen", Minho bit his lip. He hadn't talked to his boyfriend about that issue yet, he was too afraid to burden the younger with more things. "I haven't. I really don't know what to do about it, I mean our payment from the survival program is enough to pay for almost all lessons and the dorm rent but he won't be able to survive on that money. Especially not after the program ends and there is only a couple weeks left. But I don't think he will make enough money by working at a coffee shop or anything. He might have to actual work six to eight hours a day and do school on weekends", Felix could see on Minho's face how much the older was worrying about their member. He was too, Jisung was one of his best friend's and he didn't want him to have to go through any more pain. He had felt enough of that.

"What have you and Minho been talking about?", Changbin asked Felix awhile later, as it was only the two of them sitting on a bench at the mall. "We talked about Jisung and Minho's Christmas present for him. Jisung won't be able to pay for his lessons and the rent of the dorm once he turns eighteen and the program ends. We don't know how to solve that problem yet", Felix let out a frustrated sigh and slumped against his boyfriend's arm. "Don't worry too much, love. We will find a way. There are many things going on right now, but I'm positive everything will turn fine", Changbin placed a soft kiss on Felix' forehead and the couple waited for the other six to return from the grocery store. Why they chose to buy groceries on a shopping day was a mystery to Felix and his boyfriend, but they knew their friends never made the smartest decisions.


How do you think they're going to pay for Jisung's lessons? Any ideas or suggestions?

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