Chapter 17

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Author's note

First of all, I'm so so sorry I didn't upload last week! I was busy with my maths exam and my family's spontaneous Easter vacation kind of ruined my plans for posting. Anyways, I hope everybody had a nice Easter weekend!

Have fun reading <3



"Baby, what do you think of this sweater? Wouldn't it look great on me?", Minho asked as Jisung and he were in the 'on sale' isle of a rather cheap clothing store. Jisung smiled, enjoying the sight of his incredibly amazing looking boyfriend right in front of him, "It would probab- no way". The younger's eyes trailed behind Minho for a split second and they immediately widened in fear. Minho noticed the abrupt change in the sound of his partner's voice and checked behind him to see what was going on. Standing there was a middle-aged man, maybe fifty years old, tapping aggressively on his phone. His back was facing their direction, so he couldn't see them without turning around. The younger reacted on autopilot, not even thinking about what he was doing, as he grabbed Minho's wrist and pulled him into a changing stall. "Woah, what are you-", Minho asked surprised but was cut off by Jisung's hand covering his mouth. "Please be quiet", he whispered on the verge of tears. How much he had hoped to never have to see this man again. Why was he here now? A year after he escaped his death trap. Why hadn't the police found him and locked him up yet? "Jisung, can you please tell me what's wrong, I'm getting really worried", Minho whispered back, softly caressing the younger's cheek. Jisung gulped, clinging onto his boyfriend as tightly as possible, "It's him. This is the man that-". Jisung couldn't bring himself to say more, he couldn't take these words into his mouth. Minho's body tensed and he quickly pulled out his phone.

Boys GC

'Somebody quickly call mall security and the police'


'Ok why?'


'What's going on?'

'The man Ji escaped from is in this store'

'We're at XX Store'


'Oh my god. Channie-hyung is calling the police.

Hyunjin-hyung and Seungmin-hyung ran to the

Security station, we're on our way'

Jisung was looking at his boyfriend's phone screen the whole time, reading with him. The young boy was shaking uncontrollably trying to keep his breathing normal. "Hey, you two! Can you stop blocking the only changing stall in this shop? They don't tolerate you youngsters making out in this store!", a deep voice boomed outside of the changing stall and Jisung visibly flinched. His eyes searched for Minho's helplessly as the older pulled him closer to his chest. He was praying for security to arrive faster, but they didn't seem to be even close yet and they couldn't keep hiding for any longer.

"Put this on", Minho pulled out a mask and handed it to Jisung, while pulling the hood of his boyfriend's jacket over the younger's head. He intertwined their fingers and pulled Jisung out of the clothing stall, trying to pass the man as quickly as possible. "Hey! Don't push me!", the man yelled, grabbing Jisung by the sleeve of his jacket to turn him around. Minho reacted too slow to keep his boyfriend's face hidden and he could only watch in slow motion as the old man finally realized who he was talking to. Both, Jisung's and the old man's eyes widened, Jisung's in fear, the man's in shock, before he almost visibly grew taller in front of his old victim. "You! How great it is to see you again, Han Jisung!", Minho could see the rage in the old man's eyes. Jisung tried his best to stand up against the person he feared the most without showing how scared he was, but Minho could very well see the fear in his boyfriend's eyes. "It's a pleasure to meet you again, uncle", Jisung said, a slight smirk planted on his face. "Don't call me that, you know very well that we are not related, my dear! I just took the opportunity of your stupid parents' death to trap you in that lovely dark room you spent all these years in!", Minho honestly couldn't believe how idiotic someone could be. The man was yelling – almost screaming at the top of his lungs – about the crimes he had committed, while other people, including the cashier and finally the mall security, were in the store. He was about to grab Jisung by his collar and hit him in the face, but his arms were quickly stopped by two uniformed men with security badges on their shirts. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Excuse me, sir, but you are under arrest! The police will be here any minute", one of the men said, and Jisung stumbled backwards into Minho's arms. The tension left his body as he saw the man being dragged away and his legs were shaking like leaves in a storm. Minho manhandled Jisung's weak body and pulled him further away from the other people as both boys heard a gunshot.

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