05; 「 The Consultant and the Job 」

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Perhaps she had been thinking too hard that she found herself having a splitting headache one morning

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Perhaps she had been thinking too hard that she found herself having a splitting headache one morning. It was the next day since Atsushi, Naomi and Tanizaki were attacked by the Port Mafia, specifically a blonde haired woman named Higuchi, and Akutagawa who was infamous.

She brushed her h/c hair to find the amber tips slightly prominent. The way it just blended with her h/c hair had made her smile, she had slightly resembled Zhongli in certain aspects, and the hair tips was one of them.

'I wonder if Mori will contact me regarding this issue' she frowned, she had looked at the contract she had made in regards to the business of the Funeral Parlor with the Mafia.

It was nothing related to illegal crimes of course, it was more of a legal business in regards to the what Wangsheng does, which is to conduct funerals. To help the dead depart peacefully and rarely they'd ask for her other skills during dangerous situations.

Her ties with the Port Mafia was much more deeper and had developed earlier than with the Agency but that didn't mean she'd like to help them take a poor innocent boy just for a price on his head.

But the Port Mafia was dangerous, she and Hu Tao would be fine but there's no telling what the Mafia would do to the other staff of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, the civilians, those who weren't gifted with abilities.

A knock on the door had made her sigh "come in" her voice was a bit strained as she drank the beverage she had brought with her to her peaceful office.

One of the secretaries at the funeral parlor had appeared on the doorway "Director Hu is calling for you." they informed her.

"I see. Thank you." She smiled at the worker who respectfully bobbed their head before leaving to continue with their own work.

"Hopefully, Master Hu, has an idea on how I should proceed." She hummed, her feet leading her to the Director's office, she couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated at the situation, perhaps if she didn't continue contacting the Port Mafia she wouldn't be in this mess.

"Well if it isn't my favorite consultant" Hu Tao had smiled as she saw her enter the room. Y/n's amber eyes had narrowed at the male sitting across from her boss.

He was the boss, president, of the Armed Detective Agency. Fukuzawa Yukichi. Her mouth slightly opened,

'ah so Hu Tao has made a decision'

She bowed to greet the man,

"My name is Y/n, a consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Are you in need of coffins? Funerals? Or my skills?"

Her amber eyes glowed as a serious expression was plastered on her face. "Aiya y/n no need to go into your serious work mood!" Her boss pointed out with a dismissing wave of her hand.

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