07; 「 The Consultant and the Messenger 」

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Y/n's eyes opened to meet the plain ceiling of her room. The alarm clock beside her was ringing, sitting up her hand managed to find it's way on her face, massaging it before finally stopping to move her messy hair away from her face.

Her day started with a regular routine, from cleaning up her bed, taking a short trip to the bathroom and changing into her clothes, to preparing her usual [drink] and maybe even breakfast if she felt like it.

Her fingers gently held the cup of [drink], taking the moment to bask in her own thoughts in the peace provided by her apartment.

Of course, it was only short lived having heard a soft snore from behind. She turned to meet a man, sleeping comfortable on her couch.

Messy yet striking orange hair had framed the man's face. His vest was taken on, folded and placed neatly on the coffee table, his bolo tied loosened like the collar of his shirt. His hat was surprisingly not on his head but carefully placed on his chest with one hand resting on top of the accessory as if to guard it.

Y/n remembered having found the man drunk on her couch last night, and what did she do?

she simply let him be.

This wasn't the first time after all, and she wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't the last time. Though she wondered why the man always crashed at her apartment of all places instead of having a subordinate carry him back to the headquarters of his respective organization.

"He's probably going to suffer with a hangover. ." she couldn't help but mutter, slightly shaking her head.

Thankfully the hangover tea wasn't like Zhongli's sobering tea which took 6 hours (It takes too long you might as well sober up during those 6 hours.)

Leaving a cup of the tea within arm's reach from the man, she also made sure to leave a bit of food for him.

She bent down infront of his sleeping and dare she say vulnerable form, hand cupping his cheek before tapping it (his cheek) softly with her fingers.

"Chuuya" she called, her coat was hung around her arm as she repeated his name softly to not irritate the man "Chuuya."

The man stirred, opening his eyes, Y/n noticed the orange haired boy flinch under her touch. "Good morning" she simply greeted straightening up.

"ah morning" his voice was a bit pained due to the hangover that came crashing down at him all at once.

A sigh escaped her lips as she chided "You really shouldn't drink more than you can handle."

"Especially a wanted man such as yourself."

The man in question drank the familiar tea infront of him once he sat up, it slowly but surely started to soothe his painful headache.

"Don't tell me what to do" He said after quickly finishing the tea. "All right Executive Chuuya" she drawled with a bored tone "Do leave quickly, I don't want the port mafia think I'm taking you hostage in my own apartment."

"Kicking me out so soon?" he scoffed "and the trouble I went to visit you with pricy wine before I have to leave on a mission."

"Last I checked you ended up drinking all the wine." She reminded the man who seemed to think back on his drunk actions.

"Don't worry your pretty little head over it Chuuya," she teased taking his hat and placing it on his head "We both know how you get when you're drunk."

"Tch, that bastard is rubbing off on you" The man swatted her arm away, "would you prefer someone else rubbing off on me?" she asked curiously "anybody but that Dazai would do!" he yelled before regretting at the volume of his voice, his hands reached up massaging his temples.

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