The perfect Tharn and his Type

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Mew felt conflicted about taking the lead role, even though he agreed to act the part, he can't help but feel that he chose wrong, so he called Tul who decided to pay a visit to his friend. But it was not just Tul who came, he also brought Singto with him. Mew told them about everything that had happened at the audition and his mindset regarding the role.

"I am really starting to regret agreeing for this decision!" Mew said.

"You don't even know if you are going to get the part, they still have not come to a decision and you, yourself said that four of you were shortlisted for that Tharn character." Tul said to Mew.

"But what if I did get selected, what will I do then?" Mew was now pacing around the room; he was restless since the audition which was a day before and he became more concerned after he received a call from them that the next audition is within three days.

"Mew stop pacing around you are giving me a headache!" Mew looked at Singto with an annoyed expression, Singto just shrugged well he was really finding it hard to concentrate with Mew's restlessness. "Now sit down and tell me why you don't want to take this role." Singto asked after Mew settled himself beside Tul.

"Are you drunk or are you hungover? Did you not listen to a word that I was saying, I told you exactly what happened." Singto just stared at him.

"And from what I listened the author thinks that you are fit for the Role of Tharn, I really don't know why you are overthinking this and as Tul said they have not finalised the cast yet." Singto simply stated the facts.

And Tul does have to agree with Singto's words, "This is a good opportunity Mew, you were always eager to take up on a challenge and prove yourself, but you are overthinking this." Tul said making Mew look at both of them like they have grown horns on their head.

"Really? You both are unbelievable!" Mew said exasperatedly and he really was, didn't he clearly say everything to them? He really did not get how they can say all those things like they are clueless!

"Mew, we did and we do understand, but as we said you are overthinking this, it is a good opportunity and it will be a good distraction from the scandal, you too know that it still has not been suppressed and this will be a good comeback for you and your fame. It will help with salvaging your reputation Mew. Yes, most of the people are on your side and support you but there are people out there that who are still hell bent on making you look bad and this will help in shutting them all!" Tul really wanted to smack his friend in the head but he restrained it, he knows his friend the best and he should explain him as patiently as he can, even when he was driving them crazy with his overthinking.

"I get it Tul, I do! But there are just too many things at stake for me to ignore and take this role. I can regain my reputation in many ways, but this? If I screw it up you know I am going to lose more than that, and I don't want that! I don't want to risk it all!" Mew was afraid that he will mess this up, he is aware of the advantages he will have if he gets this role, but then there is one thing that is stopping him from taking this, and it was more valuable for him to lose over something he can gain in another way.

"Mew look, relax yourself, stop with all this thinking. Why are you always thinking that you are going to screw it up? Last time was a mistake and as a human you are allowed to make one. But this time make sure that it is not going to happen, we are old enough to learn from our mistakes. And we know that you will not let anything like this to happen again. Go to the audition Mew and give your best, everything will work out the way it was supposed to." Singto assured Mew.

Mew flopped his head back and sighed, he wished that he was as sure as his friends were, that he would not mess this up. But then as they said he is old enough to learn from his mistake and not repeat them, he just has to be vigilant, he can do that, he should do that, if he don't want to lose the most valuable thing. Mew nodded at his friends, "Okay, I will go to the audition and will take the role if I got selected." His friends sighed in relief when he said those words.

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