Pent up Aggression

795 18 28

TW— violence

"Thanks, I'll tell Ash about it!" Sal waved Maple bye as she trotted down the hall then turned the corner, disappearing from view. Sal smiled, though no one could see it. He liked Maple a lot and got why Chug had such a large crush on her. Of course, Sal had his sights set already, but he understood why.

Sal walked over to his locker, fidgeting with the combination for a second before unlocking it. He pulled it open and hung his bag inside the small space. He glanced over to the picture on his locker door, it had him, Ashley, and Larry in it; they were all smiling and covered in confetti. It was from his birthday party last year, and he enjoyed it greatly. Sal smiled and shut the door after grabbing his phone from a pocket in his bag.

"Hey, Sally Face!" Before Sal could do much else, a voice called out from a few feet down the hall. Sal already knew who it was, he didn't need to check. With a breath, he turned to face Travis, now alone in the hallway.

"Hey, Travis. What do you need?" Sal tensed up lightly as his nerves steadily increased.

He was incredibly nervous; he had thought he and Travis were going to be on good terms after the interaction they had in the bathroom about a month ago. But, ever since then, Travis seemed to be even more defensive. He was less demeaning, but his harassment didn't seem to lessen. Sal couldn't help but wonder why...?

Travis had always been problematic, for most everyone. He had no friends, he was always alone; but he didn't seem like he liked being alone. There had to be a reason for him pushing everyone around him away. Right? Sal knew some people were jus4 born bad, but... There was a chance there was good inside Travis.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!!" Sal snapped back for reality before looking back up to Travis. He was now closer, and his mean grin had now turned to a scowl. He looked pissed.

Travis muttered something under his breath, an annoyance in his eyes. Sal knew what he said, he didn't even need to repeat himself; it was something he'd been called before, so many times. A word he didn't enjoy being called, but Travis didn't seem to let up on.

"Don't call me that." Sal muttered back quietly, letting his eyes wander to the ground, but Travis still heard him.

Sal looked back up at the other boy, who was now quickly approaching Sal. Travis grabbed him by the shoulder, which confused Sal for a moment before he felt the sharp punch to his stomach. With a small yelp, he fell to the floor, landing on his arm on the way down. Sal grabbed it, the pain quickly setting in.

"Aw, is your little boyfriend not here to save you? Poor thing." Travis' last sentence was laced with anger, and the whole thing just seemed demeaning.

Sal stood up again and leaned against the lockers. He took a few breaths before looking back at Travis.

"Look, Travis. I don't want to do this right now. Please, just stop—" Travis suddenly pushed Sal to the ground with, seemingly, all his force. It wasn't a punch, but a push; like what small children did on a playground when mad. Which was unusual for Travis, but that wasn't the main concern at the moment.

"Like Hell I'd listen to you!" Travis shouted, a slight crack in his voice audible. His fists were balled, and his face was deep red in anger.

Sal just sat on the ground, his head pounding. The cold waffle he had eaten the morning was not doing him well. He was dizzy and felt sick. He just wanted Travis to leave him be.

"Travis, I don't feel well. Leave me alone." Sal tried to stand up, but when he did, he quickly collapsed back onto the ground, much to his and, unknowingly to him, Travis' dismay. He gripped his head as he breathed. He normally felt just fine if he didn't eat enough, only a little hungry. So, why is today any different?

"Oh, cry me a river! No one at this shithole feels good. This place fucking sucks," He kept going, complaining, but Sal tuned him out after that. He felt horrible. What was wrong with him? Maybe he was getting sick?

Sal took another breath as he leaned against the lockers, slowly becoming less aware ofhe surroundings. He tried focusing on staying awake until this situation ended, the last thing he wanted was to leave Travis with his unconscious body. He'd probably just leave him there for some other poor student to find...

"Hey, Sally Face?" Travis' words barely reached Sal as, even in a sitting position, he swayed in his spot. The final words he heard in those moments were spoke as he sat on the floor, "Sally?"

Then he was out.

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