Bad Day

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As Travis approached the school, he saw plenty of other kids getting dropped off or walking inside. With a small sigh, Travis took his first step into Hell for the day and quickly made his way to his locker. When he got there, he pulled on the small lever a few time before it opened. He pulled the old sweater he had from inside and pulled it over him. He had to keep it at school due to his father's opinion on feminine colors. The sweater was a pink, or purple, Travis wasn't quite sure. He was never good with colors. He pushed his locker closed as he walked away, trying to make it to History class before it started. When he got in, he quickly sat down and tried to knock out some math work before class started.

"Okay everyone." Travis glanced up, and with a sigh close his book. He only finished around a third of his homework before the teacher came in, settling her things on her desk.

With a mental groan, Travis shoved his book into his bag and pulled out his History textbook.

The class flew by for Travis. He loved History, it was one of his favorite classes; he did hate the teacher, though. She was always against Travis working ahead or doing more research on his own time. He wasn't quite sure why on that one. After History, came Health, then Science. Then, the final of his morning classes came; the best, and worst, class of Travis' day, Math.

He sighed in relief when he actually finished the work before getting to class. Unlike History, Travis never like Math. It was always a difficult subject for him. It didn't make nay sense, it was boring, and there were so many rule one had to memorize. He never liked it. All those reasons paled in comparison to the other reason he didn't like this class. Travis aay down in his seat, the tension setting in. He glanced at the door every time someone entered, awaiting his entrance. Then, eventually, he did come. Who?

Sal Fisher; Sally Face.

Sal was such a goody two shoes, a teacher's pet, too. It made Travis so angry. He was so talented at seemi bf ly everything, never had trouble with anything. He had friends, a good family, people who like and admired him. If was surprising how many people st school liked Sal. Travis couldn't blame them. Sal was not only nice in personality, but was also nice to look at. Travis felt his face heat up. It wasn't like he liked Sal. He was just able to admit it. It was only jealousy. And the dreams...? They didn't matter. None of it did. Travis wasn't gay, so if was fine.

Everything was fine—


Travis looked down at his pencil, now snapped in two. He sighed before tossing it into his bag before grabbing a new one. He glanced at Sal once more, who was doing his work silently. The teacher finally began speaking and Travis looked back at her.

He needed to focus.

When the bell rang out through the classes and halls, it took a minute for Travis to become aware of the sound. When he finally did, he shoved his notebook into his bag before zipping it up and throwing it over his shoulder. Travis, with a sigh, looked up to see someone standing just a few desks away, staring at him; it was none other than Sall Dace, of course.

Travis felt his cheeks heat up as his sight met the dark hole in Sally's mask. He furrowed his eyes and pretended to knock a pencil off his desk. When he bent down to grab it, he heard shuffling; Sal had left the classroom. Travis stood up, now alone in the large classroom. He glanced over at the door, so many thoughts raged through his mind.

Why was Sally staring at him? Was he judging him? Was he trying to speak with him—no. Travis shook off the thought and clenched his fists. He had to be up to no good; he was being rude. What makes him think that he's so great? He's the one burning in Hell. He's the one that will suffer.

He's the one who will suffer...

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