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Tap     Tap

Where is he?

Sal asked himself as he tapped his pencil against his paper. It's been two weeks now, and he still isn't back. Why?

Why was he so nervous, so worried? Last time Sal had seen Travis, he called him a freak. He was always rude. Travis didn't care for, Hell, even respect Sal. So, why was he so worried?

It wasn't like this was the first time this had happened either. This had happened multiple times since Sal had started coming here. Travis would disappear for a few days, then he'd come back; but something was off with him when he did. He was quiet and secluded; he'd let other kids pick on him. Sal even caught him sobbing in the bathroom once but got too nervous to say something. When Sal asked the teachers about it, he never got a straight answer. They always said they couldn't tell him, but he'd be back soon. Sal tried to talk to him during one of these return weeks, but he blew up at him. He seemed like a ticking time-bomb. He would eventually go back to normal, but it took a couple of weeks for that. But now, it's been two weeks; that's longer than any other time. What was going on...?

Sal let out a quiet sigh, catching the attention of some other classmates, but otherwise being ignored. He rubbed his temples, trying to dissipate the headache that was slowing growing on him. Sal decided that paying attention to class would probably do him good, and so he focused in on the lecture; which was boring as Hell like normal. Classes still seemed to fly by, though. Each class passed, one by one, English, History, Health, then his favorite class. Math. Sal had always found it an easy subject and he enjoyed doing the work, even if he did get quite bored in class.

This day was like every other, Sal finished his work early and decided to rest his head as the teacher rambled on about something unrelated to the subject. Sal focused in on the ticking of the clock, giving him something else to focus on and relax. Around half the class passed before he heard the attention change in class. He heard more whispers than normal and Mrs. Packerton began talking to someone. It didn't interest Sal much until the person she was talking to spoke up themself.

"I get that, Sorry Mrs. Packerton." Sals head flew up when he heard the voice, his voice.

When Sal saw him, his heart practically stopped. Not to be rude, but Travis looked like shit. Sal barely recognized him. Travis looked exhausted; his hair wasn't cleanly brushed, and he looked like he had bandages all over him. Anytime he was at school, he seemed to be wearing something nice or formal, but now? He had a simple tee-shirt, jeans, and a jacket that looked too large for him. It was seriously confusing, what was up with him?

Sal watched Travis as he glanced around the room, glaring at the people whispering about him. When his eyes met Sal's, however, his gaze stiffened further and he immediately looked away. This confused Sal even more; did he do something? Or was Travis just being himself?

"You can now sit down, Mr. Phelps." Travis nodded and began walking quietly to his desk. "As I was saying," Mrs. Packerton continued, going on with her lesson.

Sal watched as Travis sat down, one kid leaning over slightly to talk to him. "Phelps you look like shit, what—" Travis turned his head towards the kid, cutting them off before they could finish.

"I got into a fight. Now stop fucking talking to me or I'll hurt you, too." Everyone around grew silent once again, a couple glancing over to the teacher to see if she heard. That seemed to be a good enough answer to the kid because the leaned back in their chair and no one asked Travis anything else.

𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐁𝐨𝐲 『 𝐒𝐚𝐥 𝐱 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬 』Where stories live. Discover now