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[Mini Chapter]

Travis froze as Sally stood only a few feet away from him. He didn't know what to do, what to say to him. Fuck, what should he do? He had to say something anything.

"Watch where you're going." Travis folded his arms anf glared at Sal.The Johnson boy stepped forward, but Sally stopped him.

"I didn't think we would see you here. Why are you in town?" Travis could hear a smile in Sals voice which made him blush. He tried to stay calm as he felt his face heat up, but it was nearly futile. Why did he have to be like this...?

"Wouldn't you like to know, Freak." Travis scowled as he saw Larry ball his fists.

"Freak? You're one to talk." Pushed Sal aside slightly, "We're not bound by school rules; I will beat your scrawny ass, Phelps. Watch me." He took a couple of steps towards Travis, and he instinctively flinched back. Travis didn't think Larry noticed in his anger, but Sal most definitely did.

"Larry, stop. He's not worth it." Sal grabbed Larry's arm and he glanced back at him. Larry glanced back at Travis one more time, who was trying to look tough before letting out a sigh.

"Fine." Larry stepped back and shoved hid hands in his pockets. Sal fidgeted with his fingers and stood awkwardly.

"I'm leaving, if you don't mind." With getting an answer, Travis walked past Sally and exchanged glares with Larry as he passed.

As he walked away, he could hear a bit of their conversation.

"Why does he always have a stick up his ass?"

"I don't know. There has to be some reason, right?"



With that, their voices faded out as Travis made his way home.

His chest felt heavy as he dragged his feet. He didn't want to go home, but the longer he was out, the more trouble he would be in. His father had to know he was out. Travis knew he'd be punished, and fucking hell was he nervous. With a tight breath, he quietly sneaked to the side of the house, gently lifting the window. He slid his bag between the wall and his bed before shutting the window again. He thought about just coming in through the window, but he knew it would only make Kenneth even more angry...

Travis just wanted to know why he was so upset all the time.

"God, help me..." Travis muttered as he moved to the front of the house.

His steps seemed to slow even further, he wished he didn't need to go in the house again. He could feel his hands, his ehole body, tremble as he approached the door. The pit in his stomach kept getting larger and he felt like throwing up. He knew what was going to happen to him once he entered the house,; he knew it was going to hurt. He knew Kenneth was going to be pissed. He knew that he would have to take a shit-ton of medicine to get rid of the pain. He knew that there was no way around it. He could beg, plead, scream or fight. It didn't matter what he did.

Travis took a deep, long breath as his hand grasped the doorknob and with no further hesitation...

He opened the door.

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