Catching up

763 16 35

Sal slowly walked down the pavement leading to Adison Apartments, kicking rocks beneath his feet. He thought about everything that happened today and it all made him confused. Travis hadn't gotten physical since the event, even if his verbal harassment hadn't lessened. What changed?

Sal sighed as he pushed open the glass door to the complex and lazily made his way to his place. His dad was working late that night, so he had the apartment all to himself. He tried to look at it in a positive light like that; if he didn't, he would just miss his dad more.

He unlocked the door with his key before slipping in, shutting the door behind him. Sal slipped his bag off his shoulders and took off his shoes. As he fell back onto his couch and pulled out his phone, he let out a small groan. He thought that maybe he could distract himself from loneliness by inviting his friends over. They always helped.

Ghost Busters

   hey guys, ya wanna hang out?

Larry Face
   sure, but where were u
   u were gon 4 half the day

Ed Sheeren

Larry Face
   shut up todd

Sal giggled at his phone before responding

   Don't worry
   but I passed out in the hallway earlier

Larry Face
   WHAT?? r u ok?? what happened

Pretty Privilege
   I just came online, are you okay?

Sal smiled at everyone's concern, he appreciated how much all his friends cared for him. He didn't have very many people other than them, only really his dad, so their support was nice.

   Yeah yeah, I'm fine
   Nurse said I'm dehydrated though

Ed Sheeren
   I told you.

Pretty Privilege

   Sorry!! But that's not the point to all this
   Do you guys want to come over?
   My dad won't be home, so I'm bored

Larry Face
   gimme 2 minutes too change

Ed Sheeren
   Let me finish my homework, then I'll be there.

Pretty Privilege
   I'll be there soon!^^

Sal smiled and turned his phone off. He had a couple minutes before the others arrived, so he decided to grab a snack before they came. He pushed himself off the couch and walked over to the kitchen. He grabbed a bag of chips and unhooked his mask before laying on the counter. When Sal was done eating, he threw the bag away and wiped his mouth. He grabbed his mask judt as he heard a knock at his door. With a smile, Sal fastened on his mask and walked to the door. When he opened it, Larry was standing there. Sal smiled and waved him in.

"Heya, Sally Face." Larry waved back and walked inside.

"Hiya, Larry Face." Sal turned to Larry and saw him already plopped down on the couch. Sal rolled his eyes and went to sit with Larry.

"So, what're we doin' on this fine day?" Larry settled further back as Sal sat on the arm of the couch. Sal shrugged, looking away for a second, before looking back at him.

"Probably watch some movies, play some games, and stuff like that." Larry nodded, obviously a little out of it. But, he was always was, even when he wasn't doing anything; he was just spacey.

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