My Little Piece of Heaven

649 13 30

To: Sal Fisher

   Do you maybe want to hang out?
   It's Travis, by the way

Travis stared at his phone as the clock ticked beside him. Sal had given him his number and Travis had only just built up the courage to message him. He had been laying in bed basically all morning trying to think of what to say, but finally decided to just message Sal. Then he panicked and couldn't leave his phone; why was he so worried?

Then a buzz,

   Oh hey!
   You're finally using my number :D
   And yeah, I'd love to hang out

He took a deep breath; okay, don't be weird, don't mess up.

   How about we meet at the park?
   then go from there?

   Yeah! I can be ready by one

   That works

   Great, see you then!

Travis stared at the text for a minute before smiling and turning it off, flipping to his stomach and grinning into his pillow. He felt like a silly school girl. He sat up and look at the clock; he didn't have all too much time. He just had to hurry.

It didn't take him long to jump in the shower and clean himself, brush his teeth, and throw on a comfy yet nice-looking outfit. He hurried downstairs, nearly forgetting his phone; he truly was exciting for the day, for once.

He headed into the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinets, grabbing some fruity hoops and milk. He made himself a bowl; pouring the cereal before the milk like a normal person. He sat down and ate it; he had about fourty-five minutes until he had to be at the park. He'd have to rush a bit, but it'd be fine.

Travis tried to finish his food, but couldn't. He assumed it was from a mix a nerves and just not being too hungry, not any underlying issue, and put his plate in the sink, lightly washing it off before hurrying to the entrance. He grabbed his jacket as the cold of fall had slowly been setting in and he didn't want to get cold. He glanced at himself in the mirror for a moment, looking over all the imperfections, bruises. He let out a small sigh and ran his hand through his rough hair.

As he left the house, he turned off the lights and shut the door. Travis normally didn't get to have freedom like this, Kenneth always prevented it. It was good that Kenneth was out for the day; he going to a church meeting or something. Those trips were becoming increasingly more often; it was pretty weird, but Travis decided to not question it. He never really understood any of the the trips, even the ones Kenneth took him on. Maybe it's a difference of views? Like everything else...

Travis approached the largw, metal, park gate and smiled, still having plenty of time. He took a small and walked into the park. He looked around the large area for three or four minutes before finding Sal, standing alone on his phone.

"Sally," Travis yelled slightly and Sal looked up at him, cringing internally at the name. "Sorry, Sal. Hey." Travis smiled, correcting himself. He didn't need to see Sals discomfort to know he didn't like the name.

"Travis, hi," He could hear the smile in Sal's voice as he shoved his phone in his pocket. "How are you today?"

Sal took a couple steps towards Travis, who stared intently as his outfit. It wasn't anything extravagant or fancy. He had a deep grey tee-shirt with the letters SF sprawled over it hung loosely from his shoulders, looking too big for him and deep black jeans that looked like they had been stained with bleach on the knees, which were already ripped out. He also had a dark green hoodie wrapped around his waist. It was awfully simple, but he looked nice. He always did...

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