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Luz's POV:

 It's been like 3-4 days and Vee's doing good, she's on her feet and moving around but the stitches are still a bit new and raw, she's still herself and is doing better, she's assigned to helping Willow in the lab,....which is...ok, the lab, not the job

 Let's just say that it's a mess, first off, the alien thing has grown, it produced some type of symbiotes and eat them to live,  we found out that it IS like venom and has a freakishly weird tongue, and teeth, but this thingy doesn't talk 

Jenkins passed away last night, they had an internal injury that caused their blood to clog up and stopped flowing to the heart, they got it fixed but had a cardiac arrest a few hours later, we notified their family and the station and their preparing their name carving

 I've been busy trying to help disrupt the corrupted data and logs, the diary kind of logs and other logs, yeah, we've got 48% of it done now but it's scratchy, it still needs to be filtered then cleaned from any left viruses

 I've got one that....is very depressing, whoever this person was, they had a tough life, they got dumped right before they came to space, their dad is stressed, they like their best friend/ Co worker, they were planning on asking them out but that rest of the message is still corrupted, but I have the entry from before

 They were missing their family back home, they have sisters and a mom back home and they miss them

'It's been a tough day, *sigh* stressful, well, first off, the reactor shut down, it almost went off but we had a protective barrier and a discharge protocol for whenever it would, then, one our navigational officers was infected with a disease, they're being quarantined, luckily no one else has it but we still don't know what 'it' is'

 'Ok! So, just got off my shift, Arson took over watching dad, he's been busy and stressing over how to figure out what this is, I'm tired, going to bed, uh..good night'

  That's tough, their voice is too corrupted, it just sounds like a video game person, I don't know, that's all I have right now, there's so many logs of this person and there 2 more people, we're trying to get all of them cleaned so we can hear it properly and recognize the voice in the system to identify the person to find out what mission and when the mission they were on

 They seem to be around my age...the way they started their entry is just like how I start mine, so they had to be around my age, anyways, still a lot of work

 Right now I'm gonna go check on Vee then see if they wanna take a break and get lunch, Skara works with me and keeps me company, now, onwards to the lab


"Heeey! How's the research going?"

 We entered the lab and looked around, the alien thing was moving around, Willow was moving from one side from the other working not paying attention rolling in the wheeley chair and pouring liquids in test tubes to tablets, looking through the microscope and adjusting the knobs

 Vee was mixing stuff and then putting it in the box, the goop black venom thing doesn't like it, it goes crazy and splats itself around the box until Vee takes it out the box, I walk in surprised and interested, plus a bit concerned, this little thing doesn't like whatever Vee just put in there

 "Hey, uh, sorry, a bit busy here"

 Willow rolls to the desk with computers and inputs data collected from the goop, then she pulls up cleared and disrupted data we sent her "yeah, sorry, um, what y'all doing?"

 Vee sat down the tray and walked over to us "I would give you a hug but I have to sterilize first, oh and don't walk any farther, theres a barrier that keeps any bacteria in the air out of here, this red line in it and it starts blinking if anything wrong happens, so what's up?"

 "Uh, we wanted to know if y'all wanted to get lunch with us, we're about to get Gus and his room mate after from the deck and the medbay, gus is working on the pods and his roommate is a Medic, just thought everyone could take a break......uuh Willow? You ok over there? Your....squinting really hard, what'd you find?"

 "Hold on, I think the file is in here I just need to...ha! Found it!....if I'm correct, I reviewed the files you sent me and I saw something that could help us, some research about this thing"

 "Really?! That's cool!"

 Willow sends a clear screen on the invisible barrier and displays the data

 "Ok, this is what the scientists called 'Fearie Basaliks', they can transform, cloak and shapeshift into anything, they're prone to blood, human flesh, fish, any meat, um, it can eat people whole, ......ok, so, of your infected with it....well, it stops there, the other part is still in processing but it can look like anyone if it comes into contacts with you, it spreads....blah blah blah.....there two types, Fearie Basiliks and...Abominations, the abominations are a dark nebula color, they have some different priorities and abilities, they're stronger and can be bigger than a human"

 "The abominations are sprouted the 25th time the basilisk symbiotes itself and eats it, then when it's a purple nebula color, it's it's own self and has a mind of its own, they start off that way until they become bigger and bigger till it becomes it's regular size, small simbiotes separated from its origin does this until it becomes it own, abominations puke up black, basilisks puke up puple, ok, got that down"

 That freaky, but cool! Willow pulls up something else, it looks to be a video, it's blurry at first but then focuses, the person taking the video is in a cotum hazmat suit and it testing the symbiote, it's purple so it looks to be an abomination

 'Ok! So hello hello hello! Um, test log number 1, trying to find out what the heck else we can find out about this purple...goop...thingy...ok! Let's start!'


 After watching about 4 videos, we've learned that this thing doesn't like fire, and it eats the victim then becomes the victim, it ate a mouse then formed into a mouse, and it has razor sharp teeth and...very scary

 The persons voice was muffled from the suit but he yelled loud enough that we can here, he wore the suite the whole time and did experiments on the abomination to see it's weaknesses and what makes it stronger, so far, we have fire, for an already infected turned victim, it's fire, being cut apart, and both is fire and freezing cold temperatures, but it only slowed the abomination, it still lived

  'Whoo, ok, so I just sterilized, um the camera is facing away cause I'm getting dressed but I really had to say stuff that will leave my mind in a few seconds if I don't say what I need to say, ok so, this alien substance, it can multiply and infect anyone, but-'

 I continue to listen to what he says and background noises suggest that he's done dressing, his voice comes closer and closer until he finally comes into frame

 "Uh...Luz...Vee....isn't that?"


 I.....I can't believe it....this is from my dad.....that was my dad's ship!.....the recordings, diary enteries, no wonder the person is like me, they're Lucia's recordings! I- I can't believe it, oh my gosh!


 "This is awesome! Oh my god I can't believe that this is from my dad, and the recording I uncovered, they're my sisters! Gasp! Vee! Do you know what!?"


 "You know dad's OCD, he's too organized, he keeps files and files and recordings in logs and saved slots, he most likely made a log about the time the ship was attacked, we could find out what this whole anomaly is! We can get so much research! And Lucia! I have some of her recording! I would love to hear them! She always tried to read our recordings or journals, finally time I can do the same, anyways, yeah!"

 "Haha! Yeah, that's cool, it amazing that we found these"

 "I know right?"





 "Oh no"

Hope y'all liked this one, comment what you think, i hope Im doing well enough for yall and um and yeah, enjoy:) biiieeee! :3

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