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 Luz's POV:

Hurry Luz, before they come i-...and I'm too late

 "Oh hey Luzer, why are you in here so early?"

 "To get away from you, what do you want Boscha?"

 "Aww, come on, every one wants to be around me, why so sour?"

 "Oh I don't know, try taking a breath mint, I would be able to take you seriously, after you do then maybe we can talk"

"Oof ouch"

 I heard someone say from a small group in the corner, the group who also bullied me but their 'leader' wasn't here today

 "Look, I'm just trying to make conversation, your the one making it complicated, say, question-"

"No, I'm not going on a date with you, don't flatter yourself with your ego"

 "Ok, next question, ok, yes, I get I've been a pain in the butt the past year but come on, I'm just teasing, let up a bit, plus, since when did you let me get to you"

 It sorta sounded like she was actually ...telling the truth...wow, the girls started to get changed and I rolled my eyes, I was done but was just waiting for willow, I have to say Boscha did tease me less but I still didn't like her too much, I don't hate her anymore since what happened last year, yeah, she was humiliated by me and I got praised when her status went down but....I have to say I see her secretly trying to hide her guilt

 When She is not teasing me another person is, Amanda Baker, let's just say I knew her since elementary and she's not the nicest person, she hates me and is just jealous that I'm finally better than her 

 I finally see willow walk in and got changed, before we left I grabbed a stick of gum and walked over to Boscha who was sitting around talking, she was talking to her friends then noticed me looking confused

 "For your troubles, don't be late to practice again"

 Before I turned I winked teasing her, yes yes, I know, she's a... Ex bully? Still a bully? I don't know but it's a toxic trait of mine and plus it's fun, before I left I saw her face which was tinted pink and I couldn't help but laugh

 "Did she ask you out again?"

 "No, I stopped her before she could"

 "Huh, do you know why she likes the both of us? It's not a big secret and you did say yo-"

 "Oh look, we're here let's get to the field before coach makes us do burpees and laces"


'Their vitals are weak with the lack of oxygen, they must've been there for a long time'


'This one was found floating in the hall, must've been there for quite a while, maybe around a few hours before we found them-'



 ...ugh....ow, ugghhh...why am I so sore?...ow...where-...where the heck am I?

 My vision was all blurry when I woke up and my head ached, I blinked a few times trying to adjust to see my surrounding but all I could do was squint, I heard beeping around me and felt something soft but boney on me, it felt like a blanket and...cat?

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