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Luz's POV:

 'Hey Luz! Vee! Hey hey! What's up?"

 "Lucia!, hey! Guess what?"

 'Uhhhh, what?'

 "We're almost 13! We're almost a teen!"

 'Oh my god, no way, that's impossible, the last time I saw ya'll, ya'll were twelve and a half, man how time flew by, I had no idea'

 "Haha, very funny, how are you?"

 'Uh...I'm ok, I'm just tired and bored, the ship has been having malfunctions and I've been in engineering fixing stuff, what about ya'll, how are y'all doing?'

 "We're good, no school today! This whole week is off, don't know why but it is, we also been practicing the moves you thought us, I beat Luz!"

 "No you didn't, I tripped"

 "Uh huh sure"

 'Haha, ok, you two seem to be having fun, dad said hi and that he loves you'

"Ooh, tell him that we love him too, and we miss both of y'all"


 "You sure you're alright, you seem stressed, like very stressed"

 'Eh, well...I've got a problem'

 "What's the problem?"

 'Well....you remember that girl I told you about, the annoying pyro maniac who always gets on my nerves and teases me?'

 "Yeah, you talked about her non stop"

 'Well....I like her...'

 "OoooOoohh~~ someone has a crush!~"

 'Yeah but the problem is, you can't date your co worker, it'll violate document 54, rule 3.4, tike 2, all of them are about not having sexual relations with someone you work with but man....ugh, I like her.....a lot'






"Oh no"

 The thing broke out! And it's in there with Willow and Vee! Shit! Great! Agghhh!

 "Willow! Vee!"

 They move away from the thing as the basilisk moves fast around, it goes after them but Vee uses the thing that she put in the cage and it goes crazy, i goes up the walls and into the vents, Willow instantly pushes the red button on the wall, the lights go dim and red lights flash and a siren goes off

 "Captain! The thing! The alien we found is loose, it's in the vent!"

 They hurry over to the computers and start the lockdown protocol, she tries to determine where the thing is going but no luck, they hurry and sterilize and we all head to the bridge

 "Captain, we need to lockdown the whole ship and stop moving, the alien thing is loose in the ship, it somehow broke through the case and it's lose on the ship!"


 'Captain! Captain, there's a black thing and it attacked Dasten, now he's like-...uh.....Dasten?.....listen, look, whatever's wrong, please, snap out of it...Dasten...Dasten?...Dasten!?.......Dasten!!- bzzzzz Zzzzz sshhhhhhh- Aaaaagghh!!- ...AAAHHHHgGhG!!!!'

 "Sir! Deck 4 has been confiscated, it's shut down, now 5 and 3, sir, the power is being shut down and the reactor is malfunctioning, the decks don't have any power and the shut down is being reaticated, those decks are accessible for the alien to get through"

 No no no, frick this is going wrong

 "Holder, stand halt! Stop the ship and lock the air system, try to suffocate it, use YA3, the chemicals should keep it hypoxiated, we can send a search team till then"

  Willow and Vee went to help the navigators, Skara went and helps the pilots...I just stood there not knowing what to do, I was stuck in thought and couldn't move, I wanted to wake up and help but my mind didn't let me, is this what happened to my family, is this what killed them? What caused them to not come back.....it has to be, but that was an abomination, this is a Fearie Basilisk, what damage can this do...


 'Sir....it's Dasten...he's here, in the vents, he unconscious'

 We sent a team in the vent to check out the vent ways and find the alien thing and capture it, I'm in the deck still standing and waiting for commands..or to give some, either way, I'm here trying to figure out how to get it back without it killing more people,.....shoot...it can shapeshift into its victims

 "Captain! That's not Dasten!-" 

 I just remembered and tried to get the captain to make the team retreat but it was too late

 'sir! He's.....He's ...moving, he's moving in a weird way...he has no pulse- Ahhhh!- bzzzzz'







 'Sir!.. Finicks gone! Dasten ate him! He's coming for us! Move move move! Get out the vents! Sir, lock down the vents! We're almost over the hatch!'

 "Banshee2! Close the hatch in 3....2 ......1...now!"

 Vee presses buttons and a beep is heard, the screen blinks red lines that shape the vents

 "Private! Corporal!...Hicks! Talk to me!"

 'Bzzz- huff sir....we made it..the things trying to get through, Ah!..huff ugh, I'm afraid we lost Williams and Holt sir, and I can't get out...Jax is unconscious, he hit his head when we were flying through'

 "I'll send medical personnel sir, hold tight Hicks, we're on our way"

 I rushed to MedBay and got help, I put on a breathing mask and we hurried to the vents and to their coordinates, the gravity in the vents lessened as we made out way to the broken team, we arrived and I saw Jax and Hicks there, Jax was fine but unconscious...Hicks...lost his left calf, below the knee

 "Come on, let's hurry and get them out of here, that thing will find a way out sooner or later, let's make it later than now"

 A feeling hit me like a rock, anxiety, relief and a jolt of fear, all at once it swarmed through my body and ate at my guts, my heart rate grew faster at anticipation for what has yet to come

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