147 6 0

*7yrs old*


 "Awww, come on squirt, you won't miss us that much" I can't let her go, I don't want to, I'm going to miss them too much

 "Come on kiddo, hey, look, when we get back, we'll do a lot, alright, we'll go to the aquarium and see otters, go on trips and lots of fun stuff, but the later we go, the later we get back, we're about to board, Luz, we love you but we need to go"

Dad had his hand on my shoulder, as I clinged on Lucia as tight as I could, he practically had to pry me off of her, her space suit was wet from me crying "but- but, I don't want you to g- o ho ho...."

 "I know mijah, but just think, if we didn't go, who else would? We need to do this, for the planet and for research"

 I understood but I still didn't want them to leave






'Blast off'

There they went, off into space, on a mission, coming back a few months later....months, I hope they'll be ok

 "Hey, Luz, why don't we get ice cream"

 I just focused on the ship going out in the atmosphere and becoming smaller and smaller





"Helloooo! Luz!"

 I snap out of my trance and back into the briefing "huh, what?" Eda groaned, I couldn't help but laugh, Eda had her fingers on her temples and rubbed them "Luz, did you hear at least one word I said?"

 "Uuuhhh, blah blah blah, mission stuff, blah blah departing in 4 hours and come back safe"

 My team giggled and I smirked, I'm glad I'm a funny leader, yes I may be new but I'm just as good as the other leader, I heard they were tough and organized, ha! I'm so not organized, well I'm a bit organized but I like my squad working as a whole, a family, not by ranks, not by status but by how they work and their specialties 

 "Luz, this is the last brief before y'all leave, you need to listen"

 "I heard everything from the last briefing, I already know what I need to know"

 "Y'all still need to hear Intell about the joint team, the other team already finished their briefing about 30 minutes ago and their captain thinks she's better than me, they already know about y'all so you need to know about them"

 "Ugh, whyyy, we already know who they are, ....well, some of them, look, Eda, it's 5 in the morning, we're tired"

 "Y'all only know Boscha, she's only one person, y'all need to learn about the whole team, you know one of them, well heard about them"


 "Amity Blight"


 '-didnt survive, the ship was found orbiting near the moon and was found and searched by our tracker group, sadly, our scientist, David Noceda and his daughter hasn't been identified, along with Staff Sergeant Amelia Blight was not found, we presume they are one of the burned one's, there is still more searching and investigating to be done-'

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