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luz's POV:

 "Well if you're going to stay then pull up a chair and do whatever you came here to talk about.. Captain."

"im good with standing"

"ok Suit yourself"

I shrug and make myself comfortable waiting for what else she has to nag at me about, She opened the files she held in her arms and started reading aloud walking the room

"Willow Park, Age, 18, Rank: 2nd-Lieutenant, High school Scholar attended Hexside University, Good grades, average student, Major in-"

"Exactly What Are you getting at?"

"August Porter, 17, rank: Chief Warrant Officer 5, Skipped a grade ahead of his age group and took college classes in 8th grade, Top student in most of his classes graduated early out of high school and into college, switched to Hexside University after his first year..."

"I don't get what your looking for, what are you after?"

She continued to read despite my questions and read all the way till she got to me, before starting she looked at me for a moment then continued to read my profile

"Luz Noceda, 18, Rank: 1st-Lieutenant, high school experiences is...none too important, Daughter of Professor Manuel Noceda, Captain of USS Trissian and sister of Lieutenant Colonel Lucia Noceda who was promoted above her age requirement which is excelling the standards..."

After done reading my background she set down the files and gave me a look as if i was just found guilty and she was the judge, i gave her a questioned look and she looked away

"Reviewing your team and you Infront of you was to see how you would react to being profiled and how you were under pressure, also to review them for the update to the station and report to both yours and my boss"

I didn't respond as she fixed her things and gathered her stuff in her hands, i watched as she did so and couldn't help but stare, i had to admit that she was cute and pretty but i cant let that interfere with my work

"To your question Lieutenant, Your team is being taken care of and treated as we speak, theyre in stable condition and should be ready for discharge soon"

"so wait- does that mean i can-"

She left before i could finish my question and left me to myself, i thought of the whole conversation and replayed it in my head over a few times until my brain became scattered and i was left with nothing else to do

i must have not noticed but the Captain left me my helmet and a laptop with a sticky note on it saying 

 'To keep you busy do some work'

A little surprised but i started to working on the files, it looked like they've only been able to review and copy data, they haven't touched the unencrypted ones cause most likely me, Willow and Vee are the only ones who know how to do it properly and efficiently

I looked over the one's willow have done and checked over some others to make sure they were correctly formatted and emitted in, i was at the final one and opened it, there were several recordings and i started to play it 

'Ok so-'

Well...that was interesting....next one

'Sorry! Sorry, I sorta kinda turned off the journal log....why am I apologizing? Maybe cause some one might find this some day, or I may listen to it later on in the future...maybe, hi future self! Or someone I don't know!...oh my god if Luz or Vee finds this they'll tease me so bad, man, anyways-....'

'Sorry sorry had to fix something really quick. Anyways Today was eventful, first dad going crazy, more and more crew men being sick and Amelia getting on my ass, everyone is talking and they think we're dating- which we're not but like, it's as if they know I have a crush on her and it's so freaking annoying how I can't just tell her, whatever, we have no idea where we're at and still just drifting, the systems just got fixed about a few hours ago and hopefully I can get some sleep, I miss my family and sibling, I hope we make it alive...I just want to hug my sisters, I miss them alot..*beep* *beep* *beep* "uh hello?...uh huh.....yeah..uughh...ok, I'm on my way.....Yep".....*sigh* the reactor and lower engines core is malfunctioning, it's been doing that a lot, I got to go so...bye'

Shocked and confused the recording stopped and i was left to a quiet room with only beeping to be heard, I knew that Amelia and Lucia worked together but i didn't connect that Amelia was The Arson Lucia has talked about 

Processing the information i shake it off but secretly still excited inside I spend a bit longer skimming through the files, i started to feel sleepy and i try moving to get comfortable to at least try to fall back asleep but all I felt was the pain in my neck and leg, my leg was levitated and I felt the pain surge to my bone and down thrugh my body

The door opens and a robot comes in, it checks me out, does some stuff then leaves, suddenly I feel my real sleepy and my eyes close only leaving me to hear around me and whatever the robots were doing


Amity's POV:

"Make sure she gets the items scanned and logged, and get the Noceda's XO notified bout the situation and status of the information collected, that'll be it- oh, and Em, don't crash the ship"

Em rolled her eyes and rose a brow "yeah ok, I don't want to do that so soon so don't worry, and the XO, the other Noceda, she was notified a bit ago, I have to say, she's pretty cute, if her and that other Noceda are twins, then she should be your ty-"



"No, we're not going there, and I don't want more blabbering about it, now good night"

Em shrugged and I turned leaving the Bridge, going to my quarters I kept thinking bout the Noceda, I swear I don't get what it is with her it's like she's done giant problem that I'm worried about, why can't I not think about it

Having her team on board means I take charge of their command while she manages them, but that's means I'll have to meet with her and have briefs, nothing I can't handle...

I Entered my room and quickly showered and changed, did my nightly routine and plopped on my bed

The weight of exhaustion and sleep deprivation hit me like a star ship, I didn't know when but I soon fell asleep while thinking of tomorrows plans

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